Monday, February 11, 2013

Flea Finds!

Oops! I didn't mean to let a week slip by before I showed you what I got at the flea market! I didn't pick up much, but I got a few cute things. They all happen to be things I collect! Check it out: 
A sweet little Dream Pet mouse. His nose is a little scratched up, but he was a buck, so it's ok!
  A few brooches. The dog's head is on a spring! And I can't resist a wooden animal ever! 
 And of course I bought a bunch of photos! With your encouragement, I've started collecting men in awkward bathing suit photos. Ha! And I was already picking up vacation photos. I should just admit I'll buy any picture I like, but I like pretending I'm trying to keep the collection focused.
 I love the tube and the bathing cap.
 I have another one with a similar (if not the same) background. It is like a beach photobooth or something. It would be fun to find a bunch like that and frame them together.
 Photos with dogs in them are my main collection, but I just found two this time. I love finding ones with dogs jumping up like that. It makes me think the owner might be annoyed because they were trying to get a good family shot and the dog is so excited it just can't resist jumping! Honestly, I kind of forget that dogs jump, since mine can't. 
 I couldn't resist this one of a boy playing dolls with either his sister or a neighbor. He looks like he is a pretty good sport!
 I LOVE kids on ponies! I think the one of the left might be a taxidermy pony which is creepy and awesome. The bottom says "Ghost Town Photo Gallery" And look at that little girl on the right! Do parents still hire ponies for their kids parties? Are they as cute as this little guy with "Jimmy" on his harness.
 And really, could that little backaroo be any more precious? I LOVE her short hair and little bangs.
 I wonder what is going on here? Do you see their big bows? The look like they are having a really good time!
I got this beautiful wedding portrait at a thrift store later in the week. I never see vintage photos there, and this is a stunner! It makes me sad that no one in the family wanted to keep it. But I'll take care of them. This is a big 8x10. I'm going to put it in my Valentine's display (if I get it up in time!)


  1. I love the photos of the kids on the ponies, they look so adorable. I wish I got to ride a pony when I was little but it never happened.

  2. Great finds! I especially like that wedding portrait. It made me giggle that you forgot that dogs jump. : ) My Dad told me that back in the day, you'd have men that would travel from town to town with ponies for kids to get their photos made on for a fee. They'd go through neighborhoods and try to talk parents into the photo ops.

    1. oh my gosh that is so cool! i bet that is why i see so many shots like that! i always assumed it was a western themed birthday party.

  3. Oh boy! Those photos are awesome. When I can find them I always pick up the western ones too! Pretty soon all of these collected photos are going to make me forget who is actually related to me!

  4. I love the "teeth" pin. what a conversation starter!

  5. Buckaroo is such a great word! It should be used more frequently for sure. : )

  6. So glad you are celebrating that couple for valentines day!

  7. These are great finds! The dog brooch is great. These old photos are great!!

  8. What cool finds. I think its very nice that photo has found a home with you. In highschool I had a whole stack of vintage love letters and post cards I bought at a thrift store. Sadly they have have dissapeared.

    urban hounds

  9. When my daughter was a baby, a man came down the street with a pony, taking pictures, needless to say, I put her on the pony and paid up! Too cute!!

    1. that is so cool! i have never heard of that before. you should post the picture!

  10. Great finds! I love all the vintage photos. What do you do with them exactly? I think I'd keep most of them in a photo album and frame my favorites. I just bought a little wooden deer pin to give to my friend for her bday. So cute!

    Nestled in Nostalgia

    1. i keep a lot of them in vintage scrapbooks, and some in shadow boxes!

  11. The closeup of that little girl on the pony is killing me, smalls. Her tiny face is so BEAUTIFUL! I mean, it's neat enough that she's on a pony...does she have to be a dead ringer for Baby Peggy to boot?

    Also, awkward swim suit photos for the win. ALL AWKWARD. ALL THE TIME. :)

    Good work!

  12. A dreamy Dream Pet, indeed ;) It's good you listened to such wise counsel and delved into your vintage mankini collection. Some great, smile inducing photos there :)

  13. I was just looking through the flea market directory and found this gem:

    Then I realized it's all the way in Chattanooga! If you don't mind the distance it looks like one that can't be missed.

    I've been on the lookout for old viewfinder slides and (home) movie reels, vacation slides - if you ever find any around town I will gladly pay you more than you paid for them! (or if you have any you don't want, of course.)

    1. OH MY GOD! Im really hoping I'm off monday or tuesday because I will totally go down. I have to work all weekend! MAN that sale is going to be incredible!

      and i'll keep an eye out for you!

  14. love the old photos! I have quite a collections myself and I can't seem to stop adding to it.

  15. That first little guy is just too cute for words! I love Dream Pets! Nice haul!

  16. oh gosh— those bathing suit photos are killing me! i LOVE that you have such a specific collection. i will definitely keep an eye out for some from now on ;-)

  17. those swimsuit photos are killing me! i LOVE that you have a collection so specific! i will definitely keep an eye out from know on ;-)

  18. my sister found a vintage photo album at Goodwill and you could tell the photos were taken out of it. She asked someone who worked there what they did with the photos in the albums that were donated. The worker said they throw them in the trash even if they are old pictures. How sad is that?

  19. I was collecting vintage beach photos for a while as I aspire to have a Nautical themed bathroom! I've never come across a beach photo booth photo before, what a rad find. Thus far most of my vintage photos aren't on display but I hope to do a wall of them in the near future, I like your shadowbox idea :)

    I like to pretend I have themes with my vintage photo collection too but I usually buy whatever catches my eye, hehe.

  20. So cute! that little pony girl totally looks like you. Are you going to paint that last one red? I horrrp sore.


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