Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I love any excuse to put big red hearts all around my house and bake something for the one I love. Travis and I are just missing each other because of our schedules today (He went to work at 4:30 am, I'm starting at 2:30 pm) so I left him a little display of my love on the dining room table.
I used my tiny collection of vintage Valentine's to decorate.
Here is a silly picture of us in high school, in matching/opposite outfits.
These are vegan Shirley Temple cupcakes. They are pretty great if I do say so myself!
I think the turkey valentine is my favorite.
Travis got me this pretty pink glittery vintage scale a few days ago, but it fits perfectly into my Valentine's post! I need to clean it up a bit, but it works perfectly! And I'm toying with doing a pink bathroom now that I've been hipped to Retro Renovation.
So from our house to yours!
Happy Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. so cute!
    and OMG i never thought about putting hearts on pets!! MUST CUT ONE FOR LUCY TONIGHT!!! :)

    1. i feel like it was ALL OVER instagram today so I just had too!

  2. The red hearts on your pets, too cute. Why didn't I think of that?

  3. that display is precious. I only wish newmie would let me put a heart on his face...but i think he would tear my arm from my shoulder blade. He never allows me to do things solely for my own amusement

    1. hahah, my little ladies are game for pretty much anything. i think it is because they are old.

  4. Stop being so adorable, you guys! I love your display there and those babies with their heart faces - Valentine's Day has totally swept your house!

  5. How did you get your critters to go along with that?! My cat would have murdered me. Seriously. They are so cute!

    1. Mine pugs are sooooooo laid back! they will put up with anything. sometimes phyllis will sigh real heavy or groan. haha! and scampi the cat will also put up with anything. she is a torti and they have so much personality!

  6. LOOK. AT. THOSE. PUPSTERS. And one kitty! The Shirley Temple cupcakes look freakin' amazing, and I love your display (any holiday is a good excuse to break out the heart shaped merch, but it's really sweet you're leaving Travis a little diorama for when he gets home)! Happy V-day!

  7. I have some cute retro v day cards like that, that I really love and I like our pug heart paper collars I saw them in modern dog and I have been thinking of trying them but Im not sure my guys would wear them, even though they tolerate clothes well. Its sweet you met your husband or is he your boyfriend? in high school. My husband and I met freshman year of college and started dating sophmore year when we were 19 so as we are 34 this is our 15th valentines day as a couple, that makes me feel old!

    urban hounds

    1. my girls tolerate pretty much anything! i'm lucky. they actually like getting dressed. I think they like the attention. priscilla will sometimes bring me things from their little clothes chest.
      and yes, I met my husband in high school! this march we'll have been together 11 years, and we'll have been married 5 years in may!

  8. The last three valentines are cutie petutie!

  9. I expect Travis was quite impressed!

  10. Hi my friends
    ! Happy Valentines Day!

  11. Happy Valentine's Day! Hopefully you and Travis will get to celebrate this weekend ... when you are in love Valentine's Day is every day!

    Pug Hugs ~ Ellen

    1. we;re going to go out on saturday night! i don't mind working on valentines, i volunteered because it isn't a big deal to me. i just love any excuse for treats!

  12. I loved seeing all these photos pop up on instagram! It looks like you had such a fun valentines <3

  13. I love the pug and kitty valentines! And you totally have to do a pink bathroom! You already have the toilet, right? I think I am going with black and white tile.

  14. Everybody in their love heart costumes look so cute. I just want to hug them all. And those cupcakes look amazing.

  15. You guys are adorable! Oh, and I loooove that scale! And Shirley Temple cupcakes?! OMG.

  16. CUTEST POST EVARR! i luhdos beboo faaaacesssss. and of course patsy.


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