Saturday, March 16, 2013

My room.

Here are some scenes from around my bedroom. Would you believe I'm almost thirty? Ha!
 That crown is from my time working for a child beauty pageant production company. Yes, that happened. Yes, my ex-employers are on Toddlers and Tiaras. I wish I could post about it!
 Little collections everywhere. And books! We actually donated a few boxes full last year. But there are still piles and piles around the house.
 Travis' dresser. The luchador and the skull were both gifts from our best friends. They brought them back from mexico! The little safe belonged to my dad when he was a kid. It is full of our love notes from high school. We just emptied the change from that jar and we had over 40 dollars! We used to money to go see Cabaret at the Tennessee Repertory Theater. It was great!
 The view from our bed. The ceiling was papered when we moved in. I used to hate it, but I like it now. It is hard to see, but there is a subtle pattern of pagodas and men fishing in between the flowers.
 The poodle is of my favorite photos in my collection. The little black pug was a gift from my friend.
 I love the build in shelves in our room. Most of my favorite books are in here. 
I have a little inspiration to be fabulous inside my closet door. I LOVE Latrice Royale. When I met her she was even nicer than I had hoped. I have a signed Sharon Needles poster in there as well.
I keep my camera bag on the back of the door. It is a Jo Tote, and I LOVE IT! I've had it over a year, and I keep meaning to write a review of it. I use it ALL the time, and it is still in great shape and my big DSLR fits in there perfectly. I highly recommend their bags!
And here is my little pile of sad left behind vintage stuffed animals. This is the weird little collection that Travis probably rolls his eyes at the most. But sometimes I just can't leave them behind!
And of course my favorite thing in my room! Little bitty Phyllis. 


  1. Well I like all those things and Im almost 35, I cant believe it. I used to think when I was this age I would be "mature" not really sure what that means anymore but I have now realized Im never gonna grow up completely, and I think thats as it should be

    urban hounds mom

  2. Your room is so fun! Love all the collections and the tissue paper balls on the ceiling. And Jo Totes rock.

  3. I love your room. I'm glad you came to love your wallpaper ceiling, I think it's great. Also the stuffed animals, I can't ever leave any behind either poor little things, my house is full of them!

  4. What a fun space!

    The Joyful Thrifter

  5. I love this peek into your room! I especially love the doggie and stuffed animal corners. And my heart is forever with that wallpapered ceiling. Sooo pretty. And my heart goes out to the back of whoever had to hang paper on the ceiling. Ouch! One of these days, I am going to get those pageant stories out of you!!

    1. when we moved in we talked about pulling it down, but it is up there SO WELL. not a bit peeling or even a spot to start! it had pink walls too, and apparently used to have BRIGHT red carpeting! quite a look when it was new i'm sure!

  6. I can't believe you worked for a child beauty pageant production company!! I wish you could write about what that was like haha. It just sounds so interesting. Oh I love your room, it looks so cozy and fun.

  7. I would soooo wear that crown while cleaning house!!!! And I'm 70.

  8. I would soooo wear that crown while doing housework!!!! And I'm 70. Never too old to enjoy life!!

  9. Love your room. It looks like a happy place!!

  10. I loved this post. Your room looks amazing. I love all the little collections you have. The snow globes look rad and I adore the pageant crown. I wish you could talk about that job on here. :)

  11. You have some awesome collections! We have calendar towels and plates from the year my husband (1956) and I (1962) were born and the year we were married (1982)!

    Pug Hugs, Ellen

    1. i love that! i wish there were cute ones from 1985 when i was born!

  12. I see the MONKEY!! I luvs monkeys!

  13. I love seeing your decor, you have the best stuff!

  14. Your bedroom is so cute. And I love your Latrice picture!

  15. I can't believe that hidden pagoda pattern on the ceiling wallpaper. That is nuts! Nuts as in "I totally want that". Your room is so cute! The little monkey is the beret is my favorite accessory.

  16. Awwe, I love Sharon! I missed out on seeing her when she was here in Toronto - didn't know! I am out of the loop. My BF met Latrice in Ohio when he was there, he said she was really nice too. I met Shangela, halleloo at Pride this year.


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