Friday, May 10, 2013

1962 Honeymoon Scrapbook!

I cannot believe I haven't shown this to you guys yet!! One of my best friends in the world gifted this scrapbook to me before Christmas, and it is amazing! I have to split it up into two posts because I couldn't narrow down what I wanted to show you! Look how stuffed full it is!
It is a honeymoon album! It belonged to Roy and Jenny and it looks like they were married in May of 1962.
It looks like they had a little trip to a state park right after the wedding, and then went on a longer trip to Panama City a little while later. I love the beautiful postcards Jenny put into this scrapbook.
Here we see the newlyweds! How cute are they? I LOVE her dress! And I love all the sweet pictures they took of each other throughout the books.
 Can't you just see Roy asking his new bride to pose by these flowers?
 I love the way Jenny filled out the scrapbook! See the little orange juice drawing? We stopped at the same welcome center for free orange juice when we went to Florida last year!
 And look at the Mara Vista! Why don't hotels give out postcards anymore? See the cars parked there? Also, check out that 50 year old sugar packet!
 Another old sugar packet! And that toothpick! 
 Why they heck did they get up at 4:30? 
The Noah's menu is one of the cutest things I've ever seen! Look at those illustrations! I'm not sure what I like better, the poison bottle on the cocktail menu, or that octopus with the bandana and hat.
 They must have been big fishers because they fished a LOT on this trip. I had to include this because I absolutely love that "Durn algae" illustration!
 Some great fishing pictures! I like that they had black and white plus color pictures! I wonder why?
 Another great illustration, look at that hat! 
 The hat she is wearing in this photo doesn't look as elaborate as the one she drew, but it is just as tall! How precious is she posing on the diving board for her husband!
I'll be back tomorrow to show you some more. Did you go somewhere fun on your honeymoon? We went to New York City and it was awesome! It is all documented to death  on my old blog, maybe I should migrate some of those posts over to this one!


  1. Wow! That is one of the coolest scrapbooks ever! I wish that I were organized enough to do something like that. We honeymooned on Lookout Mountain and would you believe that my honeymoon/wedding album still only has two photos in it? Years later? Jenny would be so displeased with my laziness!

    1. all my stuff for my wedding album is in a box still! i bought all kinds of stuff to make the scrapbook and just never had time, much less for a honeymoon scrapbook!

  2. Very cool! My folks were also married in '62!

  3. This is so sweet! Such innocent times!
    Thanks for sharing Rae.
    Erica :)

  4. Holy cuteness! This scrapbook is vintage blogging at it's best. I LOVE that you shared it with us. I can't wait to see more.

  5. Looks like they had a lot of fun. She was really good at all the illustrations and she had such pretty hand writing! That is such a great thing to have received for a gift!

  6. oh my. Jenny scrapbooked before scrapbooking was cool! I wonder if that toothpick was used. I hope so kind of.

  7. that is such a fun find! Thanks so much for sharing it

    urban hounds

  8. This is such an awesome document! The photos are spectacular, but you're right, it's the illustrations and the sugar packets that really make it!

  9. What an amazing gift. This book is filled with so much happiness and love. She looks beautiful and I love the little hand written notes.

  10. Well, this is pretty much the coolest thing ever. I LOVE IT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING IT WITH US! Matthew's grandma has a similar scrapbook, but imagine a couple years down the line in family's a just-as-meticulously notated travelogue of a visit to the Grand Canyon circa 1958, with Ma and Pa and two little kids (one of which would grow up to be Matthew's dad!). I love that people back then thought to DOCUMENT their very special life moments, so people like us could get a glimpse of it in the millennium!

    1. oh wow! i would LOVE to have one that belonged to someone in my family! i have a great one about a nashville ladies trip around the US with a journal and maps and menus and stuff! i want to recreate the trip! You and matthew need to recreate the grand canyon trip!

  11. Wow that is so awesome! Yes, why are there no more super cute souvenirs like that anymore?!

  12. OMG, I'm dying over how adorable this scrapbook is... love it! What a great gift!

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  13. Awww how lovely is this? Cute illustrations.... but why on earth were they up at 4.30am?! Hopefully not for a fishing expedition... surely?!

    Thanks for sharing!

  14. This is an amazing gift! I would love to find something like that. Everything from the neat, careful handwriting to the little mementos to the photo corners...this is so precious and sweet!

  15. What an awesome find! I'm another one with all my honeymoon memories still in a box. This might just be inspiration enough to do something about it! :)

  16. This is such an amazing find!! So special!!

  17. This is really neat! I would always wonder what happened to these people after having this mini-glimpse into their honeymoon :)

  18. Find of a lifetime! Amazing how ties everything together.

    Is there any information on what park that is or what waterfall that is? It looks like it may be a local one, but I can't put my finger on it (Smokey Mountains).

    Also, I love the orange Juice thing! I ALWAYS insist that we stop and get a cup of orange juice at the Florida Welcome Center :)

  19. Love the album. I have been married twice. My first honeymoon I went to Summer Fest in Milwaukee WI to see Metallica (1992) yes Im showing my age lol. My second honeymoon was spent in Myrtle Beach SC. I had never seen the ocean. Unfortunately, this was before digital cameras and all my pictures were on film which my then 2 year old pulled out of the camera :-(


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