Thursday, May 16, 2013


So much has been happening lately! And most of it is awesome! Here is a little life update courtesy of my Instagram. Guys, I am completely obsessed with Instagram! Here are a few important/interesting/cute things that have happened in the two months since I did a post like this.
Most importantly I got a new job! Well, the same job, at a different store! I'm really excited about it, and here I am celebrating with a delicious strawberry/cucumber lime aid! I start next week and I'm a little nervous but ready for the change. Preparing for my interview was nerve wracking but I ended up doing great and being super confident (a first for me!)
Also, check out my finished half sleeve! I love how it turned out, and I was happy to finally finish it and start something new!

 The weather here has been amazing, like everywhere else I'm sure. We've been opening the windows and hanging out in the yard and on restaurant patios.
 Here are the babies watching Travis eat hummus. Notice Phyllis' supportive paw on his leg.
 I assisted my friend Brett with a photoshoot the other day. You know the one who took these amazing portraits of us? It was a blast and featured a local drag queen so you know I was in! It is going to be in a local magazine and I'll share more once it comes out! Brett is super talented and also an amazing person. We has so much fun that day, even if I got a little sunburned and had sore arms the next day from holding the light! In that bottom picture I'm standing in while Brett checks things in his camera. I'm not so different from a drag queen in a red stoned gown right? I WISH.
In other tattoo news, I started on this new piece that I have been talking about for years! Who knew I would ever post a picture of my bare leg on the internet, but I had to show this baby off! Little Shop of Horrors has been my favorite movie forever! I absolutely love how this has turned out so far. As usual, my work is done by Jason St. Clair at Flash City.

 I'm so in love with it! Even if right now it is at that annoying itchy flakey stage.
 My best friend gave me a makeover last week too. Apparently my new job has made me bold and wanting some changes. She dyed my hair for me, it is a reddish brown now, and she chopped off my bangs. I'm going in for a haircut next week and I'm thinking about trying something completely new. We'll see.
 A bunch of my friends were excited to see The Great Gatsby (and so was I!) We had a little get together before and Kyle made this fun Pin The Coat Tails on Gatsby game! Check out Gatsby's booty!
For the record, I LOVED the movie! I don't know why it is getting such bad reviews. It was beautiful and over the top and exactly what I wanted it to be! Did you see it yet? Did you hate it or love it?
 My favorite face. Also, check out Priscilla in the back. She is mad that she isn't sitting on me too.
 I haven't done much estate sale shopping this year. I went to two today (we made some new friends who like old junk too! exciting!) and this is all I got. But what a doozy of a decoration! It is mounted on styrofoam and look at those blue plastic feathers! Gorgeous!
And last but not least, my sweet Phyllis. 


  1. Your tattoos look great. I'm soo jealous, seems like everyone I know is getting new tattoos. My turn soon.
    Congrats on the new job, it's always very exciting. :]

  2. Fun post, I love Instagram too (if you couldn't tell) & blame it for my lack of real blogging lately. I am glad to hear you liked Gatsby, I have been getting mixed reviews & our local paper keeps calling it "The Just Okay Gatsby". Since the rest of your movie taste is on par with mine, I'll trust your judgement on this one.

    1. i really don't see why it is getting such bad reviews! i really liked it! and everyone i went with did too!

  3. yay to the new job, hope it comes with a raise! the xmas deco is ace-the best ones always seem to turn up out of season x

  4. I'm loving: the photo shoot, the christmas deco, the hair!, Little SHop of Horrors tat (I LOVE that movie!@!), your dogs' classic expressions and the fact that you have a new job! Yay!

  5. That photo shoot looked like so much fun! I love the way it was styled. I'm glad things are kicking ass for you right now!

  6. Congrats on the new job! And your tattoo is very cool. Also, I always love pics of those cute pug faces.

  7. I love everything about this post! Those pug faces are out of control cute & your new tattoo is lovely!

  8. SEYMOOOOUR! Congrats on your new job and your new hair and your new tattoo! And how about that fashion shoot and Gatsby? AWESOME? In spite of all these amazing things in this post, I think Phyllis's paw of support towards Travis's hummus eating is the funniest thing I've heard all day. WHAT A SWEET BABY DOG!

  9. We love seeing your Instagram. I like the new tatoo I just watched little shop of horrors I wanted to see gatsby bit ill probably wait till video I hAd to see Star Trek and I loved it
    Urban hounds

  10. Okay, that tattoo is favorite movie of all time

    1. mine too! i guess obviously. jacob, i feel like we are long lost twins or something, we seem to like all the same dang stuff!

  11. Oh gosh, Phyllis just makes me melt, i love her little supportive paw!
    You hair is looking good! And congrats on the new job! And the new tattoo looks freakin awesome!

  12. for the record...i love your new hair and can't wait to see the drag queen photoshoot!!

  13. Hey! So glad to meet you and discover your blog. That tattoo is seriously amazing. I can't wait to see it finished.


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