Monday, September 9, 2013

A Day in LA with Mr. Tiny!

On Tuesday of our trip we drove into LA to meet the author of one of my favorite blogs! I've been reading Wacky Tacky forever and Mr. Tiny kindly offered to show us around while we were on the west coast! We met him and his sister Mary at their sister in law's house (which was AMAZING) and I won't lie, I was nervous! There is always that thought that the person you are meeting might not be as great in person as they are online. But I shouldn't have worried! Tiny and Mary were just as friendly and funny and interesting as you would expect! And he greeted me with presents! A perfect little orange crochet elephant box! I should have taken a picture, it is so cute, and now has a place of honor on my dresser, holding my little collection of 1940's humor pinbacks.
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First things first they took us out to lunch at Green Leaves. I was so excited to be there I had to ask him the name of the place just now! I asked Travis if he remembered, but neither of us must have even glanced at the sign. We both got tropical pancakes with some breaded soy chicken. It was GOOD! If we were locals we would be back for sure! They even had vegen Thai tea! Something I haven't been able to find around Nashville.
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Next we went up the Griffith Park Observatory. It was so beautiful! The building! The view! We could see the Hollywood sign!
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It was a gorgeous day! We had wonderful weather for our whole trip, and even though we were in Palm Springs for the hottest day of the year, it wasn't as sticky and gross as Tennessee in summer.
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Here we are reenacting the knife fight scene from Rebel Without a Cause. Obviously.
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Bless Travis' heart. He kept insisting we do it, because he probably knew that I really wanted to, even though I didn't want to look like a dork.

And there is the Hollywood sign!
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We went to Wacko's and I bought some silly post cards and some Heidi Kenney Yummy Breakfast stuff. The store was full of great stuff!
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Then they took us to Scoops for vegan ice cream!
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It was SO GOOD! I don't know what their secret is, but it was the best ice cream I've had since becoming vegan. That is mine in the front, I got a scoop of salted oreo, and one of strawberry balsamic. My mouth is watering now just thinking about it!
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Blogger shot! I always love meeting people I meet through blogging, not only because they are usually great people, but it is fun to talk about blogging with someone who "gets it." Travis isn't interested at ALL in internet stuff.
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After our ice cream we drove around downtown and Mr. Tiny pointed out many points of interest. It was great because I got to see all kinds of cool places, and it made me realize  I didn't want to spend the whole next day driving around the city (that had been the original plan.) We got a great LA experience with some people who (kinda, haha!) knew their way around.
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We had an appointment at 6:30 so we had to get on the road, but not before a front porch photo op. We talked a little about my days in the child beauty pageant business so we are all doing our favorite pageant move. You know the one, where the little girls draw a heart around their face then blow kisses. photo 16_zps53b4d65a.jpg
Thanks for hanging out with us Tiny and Mary! We had a BLAST and hope you liked us too (Even if I am TERRIBLE at guessing people's ages. Sorry Mary!) Please come to Tennessee! We'll give you the grand tour, and I know there are a few other lady bloggers who would love to show you the town!


  1. I am so glad you all linked up...and I am naturally jealous and am sad that me and Tiny passed like ships in the night when I visited. sigh. Next time.

  2. Yaaaay! This post makes me so happy! I love that these worlds collided. You all are just TOO cute and mama, look at you in that fantastic dress! You should wear more dresses - adorable. I'm so glad that y'all got to hang. I can only imagine how much fun that was! : D

    1. you are too kind. I'm trying to add a few more to my wardrobe! i love that one, i wish I would have bought the other two colors.

  3. Oh my gosh, THANK YOU, for making time for us! I felt bad after you left thinking that there is so much more that we could have/should have shown you guys if we had more time. I kept telling Mary that we probably bored you to death! (Also, I wish we would have thought to go with you to your next destination???) Ask anybody who knows me and they'll tell you that I have a negative sense of direction..absolutely pathetic. At least we got you to my Mecca, SCOOPS...and the Observatory. I am still wondering, however, which one of you was playing James Dean!!! Hahahahaha!!!! I promise to come to Nashville if you all promise to come back to California again. You guys are awesome!

  4. Salted Oreo ice cream?! Dude...that sounds heavenly.

  5. So cool! I want to go see all these places (Esp. the salted vegan ice cream place!!) AND Mr. Tiny and Mary! Your trip looks tops, so many neat memories. PS: Who is on that graffiti style billboard? Matthew and I thought it might be Robert Evans, but can't tell (PPS If we go to LA, god willing we hope to see Robert Evans somehow, someway--- The Kid Stays in the Picture is one of my favorite docs of all time)

  6. these are all grate pictures and that ice cream sounds amazing!

    urban hounds

  7. YAY blogger meetups are the best! I've been reading for Wacky Tacky for ages too so it's great that he was your guide to L.A. You hit some of my old haunts too, surprisingly my favorite flavor at Scoops used to be the "bread". Your shots of downtown L.A. makes me miss it so much!

  8. Looks like so much fun! And I vote that Tiny and Mary visit Nashville next...this is definitely their kind of town.


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