Thursday, September 19, 2013

Family Portraits!

A few weeks ago Jenyffer Maria was offering commissioned portraits for a crazy low price, so I decided to jump on it and get them done of me, Travis, and the pugs. I LOVE how they came out! They are little doodles on post it notes.
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she got my big hair just right! haha!
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Miss Priscilla and her goofy smile.
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And Phyllis! Aren't they just precious? I'm keeping an eye out for her to offer these little doodles again so I can get the cats too!


  1. These portraits are too cute for words!

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  2. VERY COOL!!! Portraiture is my favorite but I'm always afraid that having my portrait done will just confirm that this is actually what my face looks like. You, Travis, and the pugs have such portrait-perfect faces!!!

  3. Seems like she captured you guys perfectly! Very cute!

  4. OMG! They are fantastic! I can't believe they are done on post-its.

  5. Love these and the artist's style! Treasure these ;D


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