Thursday, December 12, 2013

Decorating for Kitschmas!

 You guys, I might have a vintage Christmas problem. These are the boxes Travis pulled up from the basement. I then found four more in the front room.
 It is fun to pull everything out though! So many things I forgot I bought during the last year! That box is mostly full of supplies for making Kitschy brooches and decorations. Maybe next year. I'm on my third day of decorating right now. I worked on it for a few hours the first days and just got worn out!
 Putting together the aluminum tree is kind of a pain. But it is so beautiful I don't even care. I spend at least 10 solid minutes a day staring at my beautiful pom pom tree. I'll show you the finished product soon!
My little elves didn't help very much. They got bored and fell asleep about 30 minutes in. Hopefully I'll finish it all off today! Have you started decorating yet? Is your house a kitschmas wonderland? I love seeing all my blog friends posts about their decorations this time of year!


  1. Looking forward to the finished results! I agree on the aluminum trees being a pain to put together. I did three in my front window. Got the first one done and realized I used the wrong branches..had to take it apart and get the right ones. AARRGGH! But at night with a color wheel...amazing!

  2. I can't wait to see your house all done up for Christmas. I can't wait to see your pom pom tree.

  3. I'm right there with you, my son asked me if he had to get all the boxes of my Christmas stuff down and I said "of course you do", he was not happy at all. My stack looked very similar to yours. Can't wait to see all your decorations and your tree!

  4. OH. MY. GOSH.
    And so it begins..... ;)
    I have been plodding along decorating since two weeks before Thanksgiving and it's oddly underwhelming. I guess going from an apartment to a house has made me realize that I need about 6 more totes of Kitschmas paraphanalia. I don't find your massive pile crazy in the least. I find it magical and enticing, ha ha!
    I need to post some Christmas stuff tomorrow, you've totally motivated me.

  5. That's exactly what my boxes looked like! Isn't it overwhelming? When I pack it away this year I'm going to organize it. Like I'll label each box "Ornaments for Feather Tree", Ornaments for Aluminum Tree, Reindeer, Etc. This year every thing was mixed all together and it was hard because I needed every single box open before I could really get going.
    I can't wait to see when you are done! I know you have some really great things!
    Erica :)

  6. Oh my god! That is so much stuff. I can't wait to see what's in there.

  7. If I had a basement, rest assured it would be full to the brim with vintage and kitsch Christmas decorations. I doff my imaginary hat in respect for your fine collection!

  8. Rae you have so many decorations!! can't wait to see your house all decorated! Merry Kitschmas xx

  9. WOW. That is SO much stuff - I love it! I bet your home is like a Christmas wonderland. Can't wait to see more of it!

    xo, Michelle
    Neon Rattail

  10. Excited to see more of your kitschy Christmas details! Love the puggie sweater, so freaking cute!

  11. Oh my gosh I am SO jealous! Vintage christmas stuff is so pricey around here I dont have very much. We do have the exact same tree though! I just love mine. I really want to get a pink tree too

    retro rover

  12. In love with your kitsch-tastic home and decor! I have no Christmas goodness. Nada ;p Time to start collecting! By the by, after seeing more of a glimse of your home that usual would you allow me to write about your space for my home tour series? Please e-mail me at if you're game!

  13. Im so glad I came across to your blog, im also a vintage and travel lover ;) and yeah your puggies are damn adorable ♥ ♥

  14. Alright now, show us the after shots! :)


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