Thursday, June 19, 2014

100 Books 2014: 36-44

We're about halfway through the year and I'm a little past the halfway point with my reading goal! I'm pretty sure I'll make it! Here are some of the books I read in May and June!
35. Horns by Joe Hill I'm working my way through all of his books this year and this one starts off really strong.The protagonist wakes up with horns sprouting out of his head and finds that whoever he is around starts telling him their darkest thoughts and desires. It is creepy and a little terrifying! There is a murder mystery throughout that takes the whole book to solve. I didn't feel like the ending was a good as the beginning, but I still really enjoyed it.
36. The Family Fang by Kevin Wilson The parents of the Fang Family are performance artists that have included their children in their work from the moment they are born. The book focuses on the kids as grown ups and how they have had trouble in "normal life" after living in the public eye as children. Their parents are planning one last piece and the kidshave to decide if they will participate. I loved the way the story unfolded and it goes places I wasn't expecting.
37. Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause I love YA supernatural stuff, I'm not going to lie. This is the story werewolf girl coming of age and is all about growing up and star crossed love and finding your place. I love how powerful Vivian is while she is finding herself. Totally recommend if you like that kind of thing.
38. Sold by Patricia McCormick "Each year, nearly 12,000 Nepali girls are sold by their families, intentionally or unwittingly, into a life of sexual slavery in the brothels of India." I picked up this book after seeing it on a summer reading shelf at a local bookshop. It is the story of a 13 year old girl taken to the city because she thinks she will get work as a maid but really she is sold into a brothel. It is told is little vignettes, which was interesting. It is pretty bleak, obviously, but the kind of story that should be told because it happens everyday. 
39. The Fault In Our Stars by John Green I can't believe I waited so long to pick up a John Green book.I loved this book and read it in just two days. The way he writes about disability and young people with a fatal diagnosis is really interesting. It isn't all inspiring moments and seeing the best in every moment. Augustus (the boy) can be a little MUCH, a little too perfect, but if I was a teenager reading this I would have eaten that up! The ending is so sad, which you expect about 5 minutes into reading it. I thought it was better than the movie (every book is) and I'm looking forward to reading more of his books this summer.
40. Stolen Innocence:My Story of Growing Up in a Polygamous Sect, Becoming a Teenage Bride, and Breaking Free of Warren Jeffs by Elissa Wall I am very fascinated by Warren Jeffs and his cult so I devour any book about it I can find. I didn't like this one as much as Escape by Carolyn Jessop but it is still a very interesting look into a world I can't even imagine. Elissa Wall turned out to be  the woman who testified against Jeffs and was instrumental in getting him in prison.
41. By Blood We Live by Glen Duncan This is the last in Glen Duncan's trilogy that started with The Last Werewolf. I LOVE these books. They are grown up versions of that YA supernatural stuff that we all love. This book switches back and forth between a werewolf and vampire werewolf and takes place in modern times where the supernatural element is becoming more visible and humans are reacting. I love Glen Duncan's storytelling and kind of hate that this is the last one in the series.
42.Claire of the Sea Light by Edwidge Danticat I kept wanting this book to get good so I finished it. It is the story of people in Haiti and every time a story line would start to get interesting the narrator would switch. I was actually the most interested in Claire, the titular character, but she was barely in the book.
43. Weetzie Bat by Francesca Lia Block This book is so stupid. I have been wanting to read it for a long long time and I think if I had read it during high school I would have been obsessed. Weetzie Bat is this beautiful damaged weirdo who lives in a cool house and everyone has weird names and there is a witch baby and a baby with three dads and I don't know, I hated it. If it hadn't been so short I probably wouldn't have finished it.
44. Longbourn by Jo Baker Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite books of all time so I couldn't wait to read this book. It is the same story but from the point of view of the servants at Longbourn. A lot of the reviews I read didn't like the way this book treated the characters from Pride and Prejudice, but I found it fascinating to know what it was like to be a servant in regency England and fell in love with these new characters.

There you go! Ten more books to check out! You can always see what I'm currently reading on my Good Reads page! Add me if you are on there! I love looking through other peoples lists for recommendations!


  1. Man oh man. I've had Escape in my shop for 2-3 years and thought it was a religion book until further investigating I figured out it was so much more. Not only that but I read it in about 3 days. Have you read her second book? I've been interested in hunting it down, and now I'm curious about Elissa's book!

    1. i'm curious about the second book, but i've heard it isn't as good,just lots of rehashing the first book. i'll probably eventually read it though.

  2. your book list has given me so many great ideas for what to read next! I also had the EXACT same reaction to Weetzie Bat when I read it

    retro rover

  3. Your write up of Weetzie Bat made me actually laugh out loud. #truthtellin Also, JOE HILL FOR THE WORRRRLD. I am so inspired by your setting and sticking to a reading goal, I really need to do the same!! :D

  4. I'm jealous of your book goals and progress. I need to get on it! I've finished, can't say the number for the year. Too embarrassing. Maybe three-four books? :(

    1. I do most of my reading on my breaks at work. if it wasn't for that, I'm sure I wouldn't have nearly as many done!

  5. HOW IN THE HELL are you at fifty??? I am only at seventeen and I feel like I've been reading a lot.

    1. I'm actually almost at 60. I've always been a fast reader since I was a kid, and I read at LEAST an hour a day (I get two 15 minute breaks and one 30 minute break at work) then I usually read about an hour before bed. I used to be a bad insomniac but I realized getting off the computer and reading a book instead really helps me fall asleep. I'm thinking I should have made my goal a little higher.


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