Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I've had a full plate lately, with not even time to get online and read blogs! Horrors! I'll finish up posting about my vacation soon but I thought I would do one of these check in posts to share what I've been up to.
Reading: I'm up in the 90's of my 100 books in 2014 goal, I'm pretty sure I'm going to make it. Last week I left my current book at work (horrors!) and needed something to read in the tub. Like you do. I picked up this old favorite and realized Harriet is kind of my style icon. Have you read Harriet the Spy? It's so good!
But back to my new book goal, I'm currently in the middle of the Chrestomanci series by Diana Wynne Jones. She wrote Howl's Moving Castle, which I read earlier in the year and loved. Her books are for young adults I guess but I love her style and how magical her writing is. The world she creates feels so real, I highly recommend her if you like that kind of thing.

Watching: Like every other woman around my age I'm re-watching Gilmore Girls since they put it on Netflix. I have all the season's on dvd but it so much more fun to watch 3 (or 4, or 10) in a row! When it first aired I was the same age as Rory, but now I'm only two years away from Lorelei's age when the series started! It's so weird! And the show is SO GOOD! I'm loving it all over again, and seriously how long did it take ::spoiler alert:: Luke and Lorelei to get together? I'm almost done with season four and I can't take it anymore! Also, Rory is the worst. Anyone else watching it?  
Working On: I'm still getting through our vacation photos and trying to make a blurb book of them. I keep starting those books, but I never finish. I'm trying to get more of my photos off the computer!
Listening To: The Book of Mormon soundtrack on repeat. STILL. It is just so good! We finally got to see it last night at TPAC. We bought the tickets in August and it felt like it would never come! We went with some friends and the boys dressed up for the occasion. Here they are cheesin' at dinner. We went to Two Boots for pizza. Yum!
Travis even got interviewed by the local paper! Ha! The show was incredible. I have never laughed so hard. I shouldn't have worn mascara because it was running into my eyes! I loved it so much I was tempted to go by tonight and try to get the lottery tickets. I want to see it again already!
Anticipating: I had so much planned for October and the beginning of November now it feels like I have nothing left to look forward too! There are lots of movies I'm excited about coming out soon (The Hobbit, Mockingjay, Big Eyes, Into the Woods, to name a few) so that is exciting. And I'm going to start decorating for Christmas this weekend. 
Loving: I got my kitsune tattoo colored after six months of it being just line work. It is so bright and beautiful! I didn't take a photo before it entered the gross peely phase so here is her little head peeking out of the bandage. I'm in love with it. I just need one more session and that half sleeve is done. I just wish it wasn't all the underside of my arm left. Ouch.
And what is an instagram photo post without a cute photo of the pugs. And this one really takes the cake! Look at them in their raincoats! The most precious creatures in the world!


  1. When that picture of the dogs came up on Instagram I literally forced Ryan to look at it, and it was funny because he had been annoyed with me about something a couple minutes earlier so I just got this blank stare from him. I was like "But...PINK RAINCOATS"

  2. If there is anything cuter than a pug in a pink raincoat, I really don't know what it is.

  3. I've seen several people our age talking about how we were Rory's age before and now we're almost Lorelai's age, and it's so crazy!! I have had all the dvds as long as they've been out, but I watched the whole series finally not too long ago. I think the week after I finished it was when they announced it was coming to Netflix! I go home for lunch every day, and ABC Family has it on from 12-1. I get to watch from about 12:15-12:45, but it doesn't matter because I've seen every episode so many times I know what I'm missing. haha. But I still want to watch it on Netflix too.

    Book of Mormon was here recently, and Josh really wanted to go but I said no because I'm trying to save money. Now I wish I hadn't been such a party pooper!

    1. it was SO GOOD. i would even pay to see it again this week, but it's sold out!


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