Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Craft Time: Making a Curtain

I bought fabric to make a curtain for this window weeks ago! I HATE blinds, especially the nasty old ones that came with our house. So it felt really good to get rid of them.

hopefully i won't get distracted by those hotties on my desk.

pull out my best friend martha for a basic idea of what to do. that book is so awesome. i would highly recommend it. Most of the projects in it are pretty broad so you can really customize. I didn't make a curtain exactly like any in the book, but it had great basic information for me.

vacuum up the cat hair before i put my fabric down. i've learned that lesson the hard way.

i bought this fabric at ikea. i bought WAY too much. but we live 4 hours away so i didn't want to have too little. so four yards instead of two came home with me.

my curtain! very exciting! it was very easy. just some hemming.

it looks pretty good! my craft room is woodland themed.

looking for some ribbon to hold the curtain open. i have three boxes filled with ribbon, i need some good ideas for projects that use lots of ribbon.

rick rack to the rescue.

see how much i had left over? hahah. i could make a dress!

1 comment:

  1. that's so great, rae! i really want to learn how to sew my own curtains. :]


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