Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Some recent thrift finds

I've had this purse for a while but for a long time i wasn't sure if it was awesome or not. i got it at the goodwill outlet for about 35 cents. i saw an old man put it in his cart and was whining about it to travis. so being my hero, travis walked up to the man to offer him a few dollars for it. turns out the guy decided against it and put it down. with a little hunting we found it. i really like it now.

some vintage books, my weakness. including a lassie coloring book, that blue book is about photography. brownie handbook from the 1960's. Living Free is the sequel to Born Free, which has been one of my favorites forever.

i couldn't resist this one about a colt and a ball. each page has some photos, then illustrations of those photos.

favorite of the day. i love the cover! and i love dr. dolittle. you almost don't notice the animals in the pattern around the edges at first.

some fabric. the one in the middle STILL smells like moth balls after being washed and hung outside for hours. i should throw it away but haven't had the heart.

another milk glass mug. somehow i always find red ones. a vase. and a silly bag. i'm putting it on a shelf in my craft room and i'm going to put my camera in it when i'm at home. i've been just leaving it lying around since i got it.

another globe without a base. i'm waiting for a genius way to use these. i have 4 now.

and of course murray wanted to help me take pictures. it's hard to make them understand they aren't allowed on the kitchen table when i take pictures every time i see them up there. oh, and that "tablecloth" is a sheet i picked up recently. i need to hem it so it's a more reasonable size.


  1. have you tried stacking the globes and making it into a lamp? Or maybe that would look look super early 90s (like one of those giant novelty pencils that were all the rage). I can't decode judging by my visualization.

  2. I'm with Kimmie, make them into a lamp OR a MASSVIE GLOBE CHANDELIER. I can help make this work-of-art happen.

    -TD (AKA "Anonymous")


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