Saturday, March 3, 2012

Estate Sale Finds!

How about the crazy storms that have been happening the past few days? Thankfully we only got some hail and rain. I came home from work to find Travis' little storm shelter. He had a first aid kit, some water, and a bag of chocolate cranberry crunch trail mix. Haha. Hope everyone else down here made it through as easily as we did!

Here is what we found at those estate sales last weekend!
A grater (Travis wanted a "new" one), a little pack of glitter cocktail straws, some tupperware (i'm obsessed with vintage tupperware), a crewelwork picture (i'm trying to resist these but i love them too much!) and some records! I LOVE Harry Belefonte. The Harry Belefonte pandora station is one of my all time favorites. I can't wait until we get a new record player. 
This silly yarn cat is the thing the woman at one of the estate sales "couldn't imagine" someone wanting. Then tried to get me to give her three dollars for it! Please. I want to hang it in the living room with a little pad of paper and a pen in the pockets. 
Can't resist Little Golden books either.
Hilarious huge magnet! Bigger than my hand! I'm going to glue on another googley eye. The letters are alphabet noodles.
I LOVE vintage linens. And rainbows. These rainbow sheets and the double rainbow hand towel are some of my favorite finds! Those sheets are on my bed right now, and they make me so happy!
A pretty table cloth. It is all baking themed.
I am obsessed with these kinds of towels. I never find them at thrift stores though, only estates.
This is what Travis picked up for me when he went by himself a few days before I did. He knows me well. I especially love the wash clothes with the crocheted edges! 
I am trying to learn to crochet and I'm SO AWFUL at it!
Here is the little big of Christmas stuff I got. Not that I need any more.
I got this book, then cut the gross cover off. I just couldn't resist. There are some really cute patterns inside. Like these autograph animals!
And this nerd.
I picked up this Tammis Keefe tea towel. I had never heard of her before, but I'm definitely on the lookout now! Pretty much every pattern she ever designed is amazing! I LOVE the dog one on this page. I feel a new collection coming on!

So a pretty amazing haul for my first weekend back! There are a few coming up that I'm really looking forward too! There is even one so good that I've asked off work to make sure I can be there when it opens. Yessssss.


  1. I'm a sucker for crocheted edges, too. Amazing finds, all ... & that cow! I foresee many things having secret messages glued onto them with alphabet noodles in my near future.

  2. It looks like your kitty likes your finds too! hehe. What is the orange bowl in the first photo? I like the shape/color and wondered if it was from a certain manufacturer and what it's made out of.

    Neat linens! It's also sweet that your man shops for you. :)

    1. the orange bowl is tupperware! i hadn't ever seen one quite like it. it is really thick, like the tumblers and mugs that seem to be all over the thrifts.

  3. How fun! I want to go to a hundred of these! The towels are the best!

  4. OMG. I am in lust with that table cloth. Very nice finds.

  5. as usual! FANTASIC!! love the towells the best though.

    The Joyful Thrifter

  6. Wow so much lovely stuff to look at, great haul. It's hard to chose a favourite out of all that.

  7. Some fun finds in there! The table cloth, the rainbow hand towel & that magnet is hilarious.. would love to put it on my fridge... maybe I'll make one.

  8. WOW! Lots of beautiful finds: I too like my vintage manchester: sheets, towels, face washers, tea towels, etc. Gorgeous florals too.

  9. Ooooh I love the beautiful towels and the baking-themed tablecloth is my favorite!

  10. The table cloth is my favourite too, great finds!

  11. Eeeek! Such great finds! I don't even know what I like best - those amazing towels, the book of toys to sew, the flocked Christmas deer, the rainbow linens...
    Anyway, color me jealous!

  12. swoon! I am a sucker for towels and tupperware!

    1. oh lord you should see my overstuffed linen closet. i can't pass up sheets or pillowcases either!

  13. That cheese grater is EXACTLY like the one we have at my house :) It's a really good one too!

    1. good! apparently he hates the little cheap ikea one we've had forever.

  14. just discovered you via apron thrift girl. love your blog - you sound like a girl after my own heart! decided to follow you after reading your 'about' section. love the vintage LPs and tupperware. and your pugs are awesome.

  15. how amazing! i wish i found awesome things like that.

  16. That's fantastic! I love that baking themed tablecloth! And those honeycomb Christmas ornaments are fantastic!

  17. Holy cow that magnet is fun. Everything is totally fun. I love it all. Thanks for sharing.

  18. found some GREAT stuff. I love towels like that too and won't let myself use them once I find them. They're just for "looks" or "guests" - whichever come first. I love, love, love that cat wall hanging that the lady so rudely dismissed (and what what? charged you that much for even so) and that refrigerator magnet is sublime.

    1. i'm making myself use them! i already have this hoard of vintage sheets that i hardly use (because i usually just pull the ones we use off, then wash and put back on) and the pillow cases! it is a sickness. haha.
      yeah, when she said 3 dollars i laughed and said "how about 50 cents" and she gave it to me for that.

  19. WHAT A HAUL!!!!! (not that i expected any less!)


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