Sunday, June 24, 2012

Bloody movies in the park

Another movies in the park week! Just one more left, such a bummer. This time just Crystal was able to go with me. Everyone had to work, or just didn't want to see the movie, since it was Breaking Dawn. But I love how rediculous the Twilight movies are, so I couldn't wait to see it in the park! Here we are, after tearing ourselves away from those puppies I mentioned in the last post. Crystal is my best friend in the whole wide world. 
I didn't want to wait in line at the Grilled Cheeserie (probably the best food truck I've ever eaten from!) so I just got a slice from Pizza Perfect and a cupcake from the Cupcake Collective.
It was strawberry lemonade. It was GOOD. There was a real strawberry in the cake. Mmm.
Crit and I had fun talking about the fashions we saw, and commenting on all the cute dogs that walked by. I wish I could have brought one of the pugs. But it was really hot until the sun went down.
My kettle corn from the week before still tasted good! I almost couldn't believe it. I guess the candy shell keeps the staleness away. Or makes it taste so good you don't care.
We got really good seats and enjoyed the movie. I am surprised they picked it for the park. It isn't really a family movie at all! There is the long awkward honeymoon with the long awkward sexy scenes. Then there is Bella wasting away as the monster baby starves her from inside, and then the birth scene! We kept screaming and covering our eyes. Pretty fun. Here is Bella in her bloody wedding dress.
I'll be back tomorrow to show you the sights from the flea market this weekend! I didn't end up bringing much home, but I got a few real gems! 


  1. They do movies in the cemetery at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery here in LA. Rudolph Valentino (Among others) is there! They do it all summer but it has gotten so crowded it is hard to go to. I think is it AWESOME food trucks go to yours. Brilliant. I haven't seen breaking dawn yet - looks like Bella is channeling a little Carey, no?

    1. i would LOVE to go to movies at the hollywood forever cemetery. I think i need to plan my west coast during the summer so i can go!

    2. Let me know if you ever do, I know where the good FREEE parking is. There is also is a really great Day of the Dead festival there in the fall (Halloween) there that is also TOTALLY worth it, if you happen to be out during that time instead!

  2. Looks so fun. Yummy food and a good trashy flick. I'm glad you had a rad time.

  3. oh, man. such a horrible movie. you and crystal are the best!


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