Monday, June 25, 2012

The June Flea

We headed out to the monthly Nashville flea market on Saturday. It was so freaking HOT! I think the high was 97! Despite that, I saw some pretty cute stuff. Here is my traditional picture of my favorite building at the market! I take one every time, I should do a post with them all together to see the seasonal changes. 
I noticed this gooseberry pyrex pattern that I had never seen before (the pink). How cute!
Then I saw it everywhere that day! Good thing I'm sticking to just butterprint.
I was also seeing poodles everywhere!

Pretty good Halloween costume idea!
Poodle! Travis in the background was asking the price on some knives (125 dollars! ahh!)
Look at how cute this box is! Too bad the bank inside wasn't nearly as cute.
I love the message on the side.  Tons of fun to watch the dismay of your friends.
Could this picture be any sweeter? You know I bought it. The album behind it is pretty great too.
I had to take a picture of this! I used to sing the title song from the gnome mobile movie and my dad tried to convince me that I made it up. Ha! Take that dad!
My friend Marcie came with us! It was her first time at the flea! It actually wasn't as great as usual, I think maybe because it was so hot. It made me lose my patience instead of digging for treasures. But I'm so happy we got to hang out! 
This game was so cute! You spun a wheel and got different bones to make up a full skeleton. To bad it was 50 bucks. And I didn't notice the beam of light when i took this somehow. Sorry!
After about four hours we left. I felt really sick, i think from the heat, even though I drank lots of water and then electrolyte replenisher when I got home. We ended up at Istanbul and I ate some falafel. I'll show you the few things I picked up tomorrow! One is one of my favorite finds of the year!


  1. I love the sign that your friend is holding! hahaha I definitely need something like that hanging on my front doorstep xx

    1. i love it too! i can't figure out if the guy selling it just never sells it, or has tons of them, because it is always at the front of his booth!

  2. Ahhhh I'm so jealous of all that Pyrex you got to see! It's smart of you to stick to Butterprint only. I'm not that strong!
    I'm glad that you had a good time with your friend!
    Erica :)

    1. that pyrex booth is AMAZING every month, but the prices are out of my price range (because i am CHEAP!) i love seeing all the complete sets though.

  3. Those pyrex dishes are adorable...I can't wait to have a home to retro-ize

  4. yes, we like those colorful pyrex dishes too!
    you have some good finds

  5. AHHH those old playground things! Love it. And all that Pyrex! Bananas!

    1. i love the playground thing too! what is that even called? i don't know what i would do with it. but i want one.

  6. Oh, that Pyrex! Gorgeous! Also, I can't believe all the awesome stuff you always find. Seriously. I've never seen anything nearly as wonderful out here.

  7. i just popped over from LCH and thought i'd take a second to let you know i love everything i see here! i went to the nashville flea market for the first time in june and scored pretty big— i just couldn't resist all the cool stuff there!

    1. thanks! i just added you on my blog lovin from little cheif honeybee! i love finding other nashville bloggers!

  8. that guy with the purple bottles is there a lot! for my best friends wedding- I bought about 10 of them to put flowers in and put on window ledges...he was charging way too much for them considering they were dirty...which I pointed out and he ended up giving me a better deal...I kinda wanna go back and get more...because they are so pretty.


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