Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June Flea Finds

Here is my little tiny flea market haul. I got another Junior Deluxe Edition for my collection! I'm up to 24 now! Just a little over 60 to go, haha!
Sweet little bone china egg with a deer in it.
I am in LOVE with this snack hound! How cute! In researching it online I found there is a smaller one that goes with it called "peanut pup"! I am on a mission to find one! Keep your eyes peeled for me!
You put crackers in him, and then pretzels on his tail! Ah! This is one of my favorite things I've found so far this year!
I saw a whole set of these glasses with different space missions, and the carafe at the fancy pyrex booth for more money then I wanted to spend. Then I found the carafe for a few bucks at another booth! Yay! I have one of the glasses too. Isn't it cute!
We got this 8MM copy of phantom of the opera. Hopefully it will work on our projector! We haven't had much lucky buying reels we can actually play on it. For two bucks we decided to give it a chance.
These are the only photos I bought. Usually I come home with at least 20. Not many vendors had them for some reason. Check out that western family!
Look at her perfect curls!
I loved this group of girlfriends hanging out on the lawn.
Did you guess that I bought this Poodle Clipping Book? You know I couldn't resist. I feel like I am destined to have a poodle some day.
There are over 65 cuts in this book! Look at the sweet heart one!
And each cut has a multitude of mustache options.
My antique case has to be set up this weekend, so I am spending my week frankly trying to get ready after work! Ahhh! I hope I can pull it together in time.


  1. Ermahgerd! Snack hound is hands down the best thing I've seen in forever!

    1. ahhh i know right? i can't believe i've never seen one before.

  2. If a peanut pup crosses my path....he is all yours. Snack hound needs a pal!

  3. Snack Hound is pretty cute!!

  4. Love those vintage photos. I run a regular blog post of vintage photos every Friday on my blog, since I've been lucky to find albums chock full of 'em from the Goodwill.

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  5. I love that there's someone else out there who loves old photos so much. I mean, I know there are other people, I just rarely come across them. Oh, and the graphics on that Junior Deluxe book are amazing. I love 50s and 60s textbooks myself. What happened to design?! I look around at WalMarts and fast food chains and just cringe and wonder how on earth it happened..

    1. i'm glad to find other people who love them too. i feel like sometimes friends think i'm crazy! haha

  6. I love that poodle book- very funny!
    The snack hound needs some crackers!

  7. So many great finds!!! I have never been much of an animal person (only because I am allergic to EVERYTHING), but I have always wanted a gray poodle and now I'm desperate for a snack hound with a pretzel tail!!!

    1. i can't decide if i want a grey poodle or a black poodle. the are just so freaking CUTE!

  8. That snack hound is pretty amazing. Great finds!

  9. HaHa Snack hound is too funny! I'll be looking for a peanut pup for you. I LOVE the little deer in the egg! Good job!
    Erica :)

  10. I love the insights to these flea markets and life in America that you give me, so I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award :) You can find more about it from my post: http://suitcasepacker.blogspot.hk/2012/06/liebster-award.html


  11. The deer in an egg is probably the sweetest thing in existence. WOW.

  12. That snack hound is too cute, I have never seen one before. Love the old photos too!

  13. My goodness, dearie, I'd say you made out like a bandit. You have such great taste. I love the vintage photographs the most. But all your treasures are fabulous, just like you.

    Fritzi Marie


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