Thursday, November 1, 2012

October Flea Finds

Here it what I ended up with from the October flea market. See, not very much. Travis was with me, which explains a lot. He is often the voice of reason. The first thing we picked up was that Neil Armstrong pennant! I hadn't see one with a picture glued in before! It will look cute in our kitchen. We have blue walls with random red stuff hung up everywhere.
I actually took a picture of this owl back in April! This time I couldn't resist those browned google eyes.
A little poodle in my favorite style.
I used to have a tea pot like this but the cats broke it! I finally found a replacement at a descent price.
And check out this cowboy light! It will be PERFECT for the day when I make my wild west guest room a reality! The lady who was selling it was so excited that someone was into it. 
As usual I spent most of my money on pictures! I can't help it! These were all from one vendor. He had a great box of photos from a family that was really into their dogs. Since I collect vintage dog pictures it was a total jackpot for me!
We got tis one for Travis' medical collection. Lungs with tuberculosis.
Do you think that is a monkey fur coat?? And look at that hat!
I like how the baby looks forgotten for the dogs. That is me when I'm in a room with a baby and a dog.
This group of beagles makes lots of appearances. I love that this family loved their dogs so much. Even after they have kids the dogs are featured prominently in their family pictures. 
That dog is labeled as Nogi.
Can you see how pregnant the beagle is in this picture? Cute. There is a picture of her with new puppies in that pile somewhere too. 
Christmas with the dogs. And a duck! There is a whole series from this photoshoot. I love that duck!
I got this one for the toy in the foreground. I saw the same set at an estate sale earlier this year (i swear i took a picture but I guess I didn't post it). The different sections are different bright colors like aqua and pink. And check out the little matching table and chair set! How cute.
I can't wait for next month's flea!



  1. I love the pictures of the family with their dogs. I think I'll probably end up like that, just having 'family photos' with my pets. Maybe I'll start it this year for Christmas!

  2. I love the Beagle pictures! Having two myself, I wonder if I could convince hubby to add two more. The couple with four looks so happy!

    1. don't they? I think they are the parents of the three kids with the beagles and the duck. what a fun family!

  3. You find amazing stuff, I love the weird photos. ITs really hard to find anything at flea markets around here, everything is ridiculously pricey

    urban hounds

  4. The beagle pictures are great too, by wierd photos I meant the x ray, not sure Id display it but I like the weirdness

    urabn hounds

  5. I love those old photos, and it makes me happy that you rescued them. How do you store your old photo collection? Do you put them in albums, scrapbooks, frame them, keep them in boxes or ...? I occasionally pick up some old photos too, but mostly because I cannot bear to leave them behind in a thriftstore among old calendars and junk posters. I am especially fond of old class and school pics.

    1. i need to do a post about that! it took me a while to figure out what to do. i have a lot of them in vintage photo albums with the black corners, then i display some on old flower frogs, and i also have a wall of shadow boxes with some of my favorites mounted inside.

  6. How rad is the photo of the family and their dogs in the capes. I love when you find all the old photos. You can never find any when you go thrifting in Australia. :(

  7. Oh my, I love the Beagle pictures, I have a Beagle named Lucy!
    I am going to have to pin those to my Pinterest Board.

  8. Oh yeah, that's monkey fur. It will make me even more unpopular, but I love it. I also love the cowboy light shade. I have been slowly collecting western stuff for a cowboy room too! My birthday is coming up, should I ask for a duck?

    1. i looooove those monkey fur coats too! they look so glamourous! much more glamourous than an old mink i think.
      and yes, i think you need a little duck. you could make it little clothes!

  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE that kitsch teapot & creamer. So super cute! Xx

  10. That light shade is AMAZING! I love western kitsch so is one of my favorite, favorite things.

  11. Some sweet day, I will find the imitation monkey fur coat of my dreams... do you remember when faux ones were kind of a "thing" in the late 90's? I missed the boat! Also, that freakin' cowboy brands light fixture...can't get over it. AWESOME.

  12. Hi Rae!

    Wow, look at all those old photos! How fun going through all of them... thanks for sharing them with us!

    I've actually never been to a flea market (I know, right?!) but looks like you had some good finds! I really like the owl!

    Hope you're having a good weekend, dear! I'm so glad I found your blog.

    xox, Amber

  13. You're killing me with all these cute poodles you've been getting lately. I love the family photos, they seem like they loved their dogs so much


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