Saturday, December 29, 2012


 I'm sure I've mentioned before that I have TERRIBLE luck with plants. I shouldn't say luck really, usually I over-nurture them until they die! I picked up a few little cacti when we were at the World's Longest Yard Sale, then I cam home, read a book about succulents, and have tried to leave these guys alone for the most part. And not only are they still alive...
My cactus has a little flower! I am probably way happier about that than I should be, but it feels like a real accomplishment! I have a bunch of hens and chicks in a planter by the back door that I have completely ignored and they are thriving too! Maybe soon I'll get something leafy for the house. Dream big!


  1. Aww yeaaah. Congrats. I think its a big deal, i've never had any of my cactus's grow flowers.

  2. I love how the donkey looks like he has a little spiny tumor on his back

  3. Those planters make me even happier than the plants themselves. I gave up on plants a long time ago. Apparently a green thumb is not genetic; my dad was a landscape architect and as much as I like the idea, I can't keep a plant's life going to save my own! Great job!

    1. i am trying to change it since i have so many planters i love! it this doesn't work out, i'll have to learn to crochet or something. i've seen really cute knit cacti around and i love how they look!

  4. You should be extrememly proud! The little flowers are beautiful! Cacti remain one on my favorite houseplants and, like you, for years I over-watered, used wrong soil, etc. I now "neglect' in the right way and I have seen my cacti grow to levels I never thought possible. I love your guys in their little vintage pots!

  5. P.S. If we ever get to meet in Louisville, I'll give you a few more cacti babies if you want!

  6. I am so proud for you! Dang it, I cannot keep a cactus alive. But maybe your success will serve as an inspiration! What pretty planters and what a pretty little cactus flower you turned up with! :)

  7. Ha! I understand your getting thrills from these plants. Our house has very little natural light and it's like a graveyard for plants. I've started back at the easiest ones, with succulents, and plan to branch out from there as well. :)

    1. my house is so dark too! i love seeing big leafy house plants in other people's homes but i don't know if they can do well here in my little cave house.

  8. i'm good with leafy plants, but kill any cactus i come in contact with. i'm an over-nurturer. it's proven.

  9. Awesome! I have a house-plant problem.. they always die on me.. Mmmm a book - good call!!! MAybe I'll try that. I've got a cute stash of planters too.. Those tiny succulents are adorable.

  10. Tee hee I like those planters. Mom kills every plant she touches

    urban hounds

  11. I need your tips on keeping cactus alive! I always want to grow them because they remind me of Phoenix where I'm from, but I'm terrible at it. And Lord knows I have planters a'plenty! There is a girl at the antique mall who was selling planters with succulents in them...I have enough planters to try that but I'm afraid that I would kill the plants dead in a week.

    1. i think for me the key was getting them so cheap (since i kill stuff i don't want to spend much money on it!) and pretty much leaving them alone! i have them in the one sunny window in my house too.

  12. Cacti love a black thumb ;) Plants in the house make a good addition, you should be excited :)

  13. Congratulations on your new green thumb. The cactus flower looks amazing.

  14. That is really a feat, to get a cactus to bloom!

    Happy New Year! Out of all the vintage-y blogs I read, I think yours is my favorite. :)

    - Karen W

  15. That's adorable! I've been thinking about getting a cactus myself.

    Nestled in Nostalgia


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