Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Simple Resolution.

Oh man, the end of the year really got away from me! Usually I like to do a big recap post of some sort (my favorite ever was my "what I ate in 2011" list) but I just didn't get around to it. I'm pretty excited for 2013 though! I just found out someone I love is having a baby, and one of my best friends got engaged on New Years Eve! Here is a grainy photobooth picture of us right after midnight. We rang in the new year with lots of Just Dance (Travis gets the high score EVERY TIME!) and sparkling apple cider. 

I kept my resolution simple last year, and I feel like I was pretty successful. I'm much more confidant and I really can't say I'm shy anymore. Part of that is my job. Talking to vendors has given me a lot of confidence somehow. This year Im keeping it simple again, and not making a resolution that makes me feel guilty or bad about myself. I saw this print a little while ago, and I just love it. I'm going to buy it and put it on my dresser so I can see it every day. I can be really unsympathetic when it comes to others, and especially when it comes to me. So that is what I'm going to work on this year! 
We have been doing GREAT with our lifestyle change and I'm still feeling amazing. I've got a little recipe round up to share with you guys sometime soon. It is amazing the amount of energy I have, and even how my mood has been affected. I can't wait to see how I feel after a few more months. We made it through the holiday season, so I think the rest of the year will be a breeze!


  1. Great resolution!! Can't wait for the recipe round up...need some new ideas!

  2. :) This post makes me happy. Can't wait to see those recipes. I know I have a plethora of recipe info at my fingertips on the web, but there's just something a little more inspiring when it comes from someone you like ;) It's just cozier, I suppose :)

    1. i agree! and there are SO many out there sometimes it is just overwhelming.

  3. YOU CAN DOOOO IT! :) Congrats on keeping up your lifestyle change and your resolution from last year, and good luck on your new resolution, I think it's a good one we could all take to heart.

  4. Gorgeous print Rae, happy new year to you and your wee family xx

  5. I love that picture of you guys! It sorta looks like you had to censor Mark's junk or something.

    1. haha, people keep asking me if i blocked something out! i think it is just the top of the noisemaker crystal was holding.

  6. Congratulations. I'm glad you had a rad new years. I can't wait to see recipes.


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