Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dishes from Deck's!

If you've been following along you know we went to Deck's Glassware in Chattanooga recently to pick up some vintage restaurantware. We soaked the dishes in hot water overnight then Travis scrubbed them off and popped them in the dishwasher. Here is a peek at the patterns we picked up! I'm so happy we made the trip. Now I just have to go through my current dish stock pile and make room/ get rid of stuff.
All together. 22 large plates, 11 small plates, 2 oval plates, 7 bowls, 5 saucers. So 47 pieces for around 50 bucks! Yes! All incredibly sturdy and nice! Travis even dropped one on the kitchen floor (by accident!) and it didn't even chip.
The blue flowers are probably my favorite pattern. The yellow design is on the oval plates (they kind of remind me of waffle house plates!) The fancy ones in the upper right make me think of a steak house. And I wish we could have found a whole set of the medical ones! That was the only one we saw.
Some of the smaller plates. Did I mention that most of the china we saw was Homer Laughlin? 
We bought a lot with blue on it. I love the leaves!
And these pretty scalloped edges!
These three are bowls. I was on the lookout for more checkerboard bowls, but just found this one.
I got four of these little bowl and saucer sets. And I have one big plate with that flower on it. They are so sweet!
And a shot of my curious kitty, she can't resist getting up on the table whenever I am near. I hope you liked seeing our haul from Deck's! I think it is DEFINITELY worth a trip if you are anywhere nearby!


  1. You got some great ones! We got one of the ones that you show at the very end. So glad to know that there were many more in there for y'all to find.

  2. Wow, those are some pretty plates and bowls. I'm jealous over here. That second photos has soem colourful designs, I like it but I also really like the checkered one.

  3. I am kind of obsessed with those blue and white beauties!!! SO CUTE!

  4. They look pretty nice and all cleaned up!!

  5. They cleaned up so well! I love the medical one.

  6. SO! COOL! I like the one with the red fountain type pattern (the steakhouse design! De.LUXE). I have to get down there to that place and get some dishes of my own!!

  7. wish there was a place like that here. We have some pyrex oval ones they used at a buffet place here. they are pretty sturdy but Im down to only 4

  8. I want to dig through that place soooo bad! They're all awesome, but I really love the checkered one. That place is a gold mine.

  9. Gorgeous dishes. Would love to check out that space someday.


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