Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I've been getting Saturdays off lately and it rules! I know it won't last forever so we've been trying to really enjoy it. Here is what we did this past Saturday! I hope you like photos of dogs and errand running!
 The day started with waffles and pets on the couch! I got a waffle maker for Christmas and Travis makes them whenever we are home in the morning together. I love it! Here are Phyllis and Scampi hanging out. Phyllis was probably hoping for a waffle bite.
 We were going to the library so I had to take photos off the books I read before I returned them. That's normal right? Haha. Murray always jumps up on the table whenever I clear it off to take photos. Isn't he handsome?
 We picked up some books I had on hold and looked through the graphic novel/comic section. I couldn't find the book I was looking for, but Travis found a bunch to read! Here are our his and hers library stacks!
 We ran some errands, including going to the international market to buy noodles. I was hoping to find some Pocky that was vegan, but no such luck. Bummer. I did get some of those really fat amazing Udon noodles! I'm eating them now and they are so good!
We also went to Babies R Us to pick up a baby shower gift. We happened to go on baby safety fair day so had to dodge all these vendors "No we're not expecting! No just here for a gift! No we don't need baby cpr classes!" It was funny. 
We stopped at home to wrapped our gift and put some groceries in the fridge. Here is a gratuitous photo of Phyllis being precious. I always feel a little guilty leaving them home alone all day when we're off. I know they don't care. They are content to sleep in a little pug pile all day.
 I have been cleaning out our room and that included going through our cds. I found a bunch Travis made for me in high school when we started dating and we've been listening to them. That blue one he made me the day before prom. Isn't it funny that prom was such a BIG DEAL back then? Our prom was LAME. We left pretty early and went to Crystal's house to watch Poltergeist instead. Much better.
We went to Mellow Mushroom for lunch before we went to the shower. Their vegan pizza is so good! We always get spinach, pineapple, and mushroom.
The only non Christmas wrapping paper I have is this funny tv paper I bought at an estate sales, so I use it for all occasions. Can you tell it is retro style tv's, and they say "punk" and "rock n roll". I love it! It's a HUGE roll too! Like the kind department stores have in their gift wrapping department.
 We wanted to see the Lego movie after the shower but it was sold out for the entire day! Isn't that crazy? We ended up seeing the Monuments Men instead. I'm sorry to say it wasn't good at all. The story telling didn't make you care about any of the characters. And I'm an art lover, but  it didn't make a convincing argument for sending men into a war zone to die to save portraits and statues. Eh. Dissapointing. I did love this Muppets display! I always make Travis pose in these things.
THEN after the movie we went by Flash City to see my best friend Crystal getting tattooed. We've all been going to the same artist for years (Jason St. Clair) and love him! While we were waiting for her to finish I got my septum repeirced. I had it a few years ago but the retainer fell out and I hadn't gotten it redone. Travis loves it and asked me to get it redone so I finally did. I forgot how much it HURTS! Hence my cry baby face in that picture. Haha! I'm still not used to it, but I'm sure I'll love it again soon.

I hope you enjoyed a peek into our dorky busy Saturday. I'm off again this Saturday and I'm so happy!


  1. Ahhh new piercing. Looks like you had a fun day off. :]

  2. this sounds like such a great day! our friends wanted to see monuments men on saturday but nick and i heard bad things so we talked everyone into a movie night at our house. this sounds like such a good day off! i am in love with that picture of phyllis under travis' arm!

  3. I think I'm gonna make pizza for dinner tonight!! Yum! Yeh I had just my nose pierced once and it felt like I'd been punched in the nose!!!

  4. I love the new septum piercing. It makes me really miss my college nose ring. I wish my body didn't reject metal. BOO!!!

  5. This looks like such an amazing, busy day! How was "Where'd You Go, Bernadette?" I've heard a few different things about it and I'm quite curious!

    I'm trying to convince my fiancee to go to the Lego movie tomorrow night before Nashville gets flooded by crazy Valentines on Friday. haha

  6. I love that you have mixed CDs your husband made you in high school. God, mix CDs take me back… :)

  7. Your living room is so cozy and your pets the cutest <3 I have a secret passion for asian food packages, when I was in thailand I took so many pics of the lovely candy packs, ohhh

  8. The Gail Carriger manga are really fun (the series itself is good too-but nice to "see" the story after the fact). Book 3 is out already as well.

    1. i LOVE the series and it was fun to read the manga! Book 3 isn't at my library, i'll have to request it! They didn't draw Connal like I imagined him though. He is much more manly in my mind. i cried so much in book 5, you probably know what part i'm talking about. Lord Maccon is my favorite character.

    2. Connal "loooked" more "Scottish" in my mind when reading the original series, yes-so he seemed sort of, flatter I guess? Ha ha, I'm not sure. But I've really enjoyed having the visual companion to a series, as I've not had such a think before. I can think of others I'd like to see this happen with as well. I also saw that you are enjoying her YA series-can't wait for book 3 with that one! :) She has another series slated to start in 2015-the Custard Protocol (sorry my reply took so long!)

  9. love the piercing My hubby would divorce me if I did that... besides Im too old and would look foolish. I didn't even notice Travis in the Muppets display until I read it


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