Wednesday, June 25, 2014

East Side Solstice Party!

My good friend Marissa, who runs Novel Creature, hosted her first event this past Saturday on the solstice! There was a craft show and food trucks and bands all day. I'm so proud of her for putting it all together! I thought it went great too, even though there was a bit of rain. I was planning on taking tons of photos to send her but I was feeling shy for some reason. So here are a few:
 My best friend Crystal had a booth of course! 
Her stuff is so cute. I'm supposed to be finding a Spock picture for her so she can make me a cute Spock wallet.
 I don't really need another make up bag, but I LOVE the Rocky Horror one. And the dog faced boy!
 The event was right next to I Dream of Weenie. I got a delicious veggie dog. 
 I would love to have hot dog flower boxes on my front porch!
 Here is a selfie, pretending to run the booth while Crystal was gone. 
 One of my purchases was a beautiful art journal from Kitty Cat Stevens! I didn't take photos of it, but you can see tons of her work on her website. I have big plans for my journal this summer, hopefully I'll follow through! I also found out about the Skillery, since Jenna is teaching a class there soon! I hope I can take a class there soon! I would be all over the Crafting with Beyonce class if I didn't already have plans this weekend.
I bought this perfect Nashville shirt from Project 615! One of Nashville's defining landmarks is a sky scraper downtown that is known as the Batman building, because it us, looks like Batman. The company is pretty great, they hire people from Set Free ministries, who works to help get people out of homelessness, to work in their shop. They have this shirt in neon yellow too!
And I didn't buy anything from Straw Castle, but you better believe I'm waiting for this design on a shirt. If I had any room on my walls I would have snapped up this print in a minute! I already have a few of this prints and I LOVE his style!


  1. I am beyond bummed that I was still out of town when this happened. I had no idea Marissa put it together. Also, I have ordered the batman building shirts for me and we will have to make sure we don't all wear them on the same day!

  2. thanks for the shout out-- it was so awesome seeing you there! i am also glad i finally met crystal, she's a peach! what a fun day :) i'd love to see pics of your book in action or feature you on a sketchbook post for my blog if you're into that sort of thing <3 hopefully now that the madness is over i can see you a bit more :)


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