Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dinner Party for Four

i haven't been in the entertaining mood, which means i haven't been in the cleaning mood. but a few nights ago i had my friend brittany over, and her boyfriend justin. justin had never been to our house before so i felt like i had to make a good impression. so i went on a two day cleaning spree. and it felt awesome to finally not be tripping over junk all the time. i should have people over more often so i'llbe forced to tidy up.

here are my ladies, waiting for their guests to arrive. justin and i like to pretend to be mean to each other and i knew dog dresses would annoy him. haha.

roses from my rose bush! so lovely. the white is from a flowering tree in my yard. 
i have no idea what kind it is.

i wanted to make my table fancy but ran out of time. i'm still on the lookout for a nice vintage table cloth. the ones i always find are always really expensive and stained. i don't want to pay 35 dollars for something that will always look dirty.

i even vacuumed 17 pounds of cat hair off of the couch!

scampi loved the fresh clean carpet. my friend caroline said she thought i didn't have cats anymore because she never saw them on my blog. so here is one! they just aren't all up in my business constantly like the pugs. scampi has been on a diet and isn't quite as round as she used to be.

hung up the pug flag i got for my birthday. nerd alert! i love it!

and i love them! my shadows.

here is a random picture of some embroidery i'm working on. i was trying to take pictures of my whole craft room. the lighting is just bad so i can't get good pictures. 

so here we are! eating my favorite, breakfast for supper! it was a group effort which was fun and took the pressure off of me so i wasn't freaking out the whole night. 

banana pancakes and home fries and berries. mmmm it was so good.

justin brought his dog lizza. i like how she sits. and her eyes look white! i wish i had a picture. 
we played trivia pursuit and had a great time. i think i feel like entertaining again. i need to have a summer party. maybe i'll host the 4th of july again.


  1. look at those classy ladies in their dresses! That breakfast for dinner looks delicious.

  2. so fresh and so clean clean! scampi does look smaller and more kitten like. mmm i am hungry now, wish i knew how to make pancakes. p.s. you should do fourth of july because i have that hilarious mother liberty costume that judy bought me! (plus we haven't had a party in years...)


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