Saturday, May 7, 2011

Thrifting again.

here are some things i've thrifted this week. i'm still a little obsessed though i'm trying to cut it down to two visits a week. this is all from my day off yesterday. i saw a sign for an estate sale on my way home from the grocery store, found some cute stuff, so i had to go to two thrift stores and another estate sale. but my total was probably 7 bucks. not so bad.

i found a breyer horse which was really exciting! i've been wanting some to put in the guest room but they are always soooo expensive at antique malls. the trunk is for phyllis and priscilla's clothes. that outlet cover is so strange, weird mermaid baby things. i couldn't resist.
i got a bunch of doilies at an estate sale for 50 cents. somewhere online i saw a photo where someone had sewn a bunch together to make a table runner. it was really pretty. that is what i plan to do with them. 

kitty napkin rings. now i have six white animal rings. i need to have a fancy dinner party.

that ledger is empty and really cool. i think i'm going to put our household expenses in it or something.
these two cards were tucked into the card book. i'm going to try and make more homemade card because i've realized how it's kind of crazy to spend 4 or 5 dollars on a card at the store. 

another jesus for our collection. and a cute julie andrews book. i read her autobiography, Home, which was great! it left off right after she finished my fair lady and had gotten the roll of mary poppins. i'm interested to read about the rest of her life. and isn't she lovely? 

a new trashcan to put under my sewing table. and a sweet little display box. the back is velvet.
speaking of my sewing table. doesn't that vintage machine look sweet? i still haven't tried sewing on it yet. and do you see murray creepin' in the background?

and last but not least, this silly unicorn "stained glass"


  1. great finds! love the trashcan, perfect for a sewing room♥

  2. wow some great finds there, i'm coveting that trunk and the trash can!

  3. oh goodness lovely lovely lovely! Ha that unicorn stained glass is funny!

  4. WOW! Doily love, but look at that unicorn stained glass - brilliant!

  5. What a great haul and for only $7 bucks! Way cool. I love all of the things you found, especially the doily collection, napkin rings and Jesus! Thanks for sharing. I love stopping by your blog, so I decided to follow you too.

  6. Love the green suit case!! I found a black one recently that I really liked but the handle was broken, so it didn't come home. Hopefully someday I will find a green one too!

    The Joyful Thrifter

  7. Oh man i've been looking for a little suitcase like that in good condition for so wrong. i almost couldn't believe this one wasn't locked closed, nasty on the inside, broken handle, or something else terrible.

  8. You found some lovely items. Love that sewing machine!

  9. wow! that trashcan is PERFECT!!!!!


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