Friday, November 25, 2011

Our Holiday

Travis and I were both off of work for Thanksgiving AND the day after! I couldn't believe it! It was so nice. We rarely have days off together, unless we request off for something. We had a very nice Thanksgiving day and ate SO MUCH food and say both our families. Then today we headed to historic downtown Franklin to see Travis' favorite movie on the big screen.

Christmas Vacation. He says that he has literally seen it at least 50 times.

They had a tacky sweater contest before the movie and we won! Too bad I never took a good picture of our sweaters! And you can't really tell that Travis' spectacular blue dickie shows through his white sweater pretty distinctly. We won two movie passes. I want to use the to see Meet Me In St. Louis, A Christmas Story, or A Wonderful Life.

After lunch we did a little window shopping.

There are some great little shops in the area. My favorites are Avec Moi and Yarrow Acres.

We did a little antiquing of course. All the booths finally have their Christmas out! I might go back for one of these choice boys. I really like them. So that means they will probably be gone. I went back for those dream pets and that cute tv tray that i posted about and there were ALL gone! I was so bummed.

funny toilet seat cover! and like that big santa actually. i don't know where I would put it though.

i got this little spun cotton santa. he is on the end of a really long pencil.

i love that travis loves looking for vintage with me. even if he makes that face when i'm trying to take a sweet picture. haah.
we went to the goodwill outlet too and picked up some more Christmas bits and bobs and I got a really cute Chinese dragon marionette! I'll take pictures of him tomorrow when I have some light. A lady was actually jealous that I found it and kept staring at it and telling me i was soooooo lucky.
I started decorating for Christmas tonight. I can't stop staring at that aluminum tree! It is so beautiful! I've been threatening the cats with the spray bottle whenever they get near it. I can just see one of them knocking it down.


  1. i love love love that you can see travis's dickie through the sweater! so perfect. i found my dad an aluminum tree on ebay last year and it is the most beautiful thing in the world. i can't wait to set it up again this year. it even has the original color wheel! luckily our cats were not interested in it at all, haha

  2. Oooh, you just made me miss Franklin a little bit. :) Also- I need an aluminum tree! OR, a pink flocked tree..

  3. Sigh. I love and miss you guys! You're so cute. Do you know that Zombies song about having friends that are so in love and how awesome it is? It makes me think of you guys.

  4. haha... when you said you guys went to see travis' favorite movie, the first thing i read on the marquee was "sheryl crow's acoustic christmas" and i thought, "oh, travis." haha. i love you guys!


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