Thursday, November 24, 2011

What are you thankful for?

This year I am most thankful for my little family. Travis is such a great husband (even if i complain about him being messy) and i love all my little critters; Phyllis, Priscilla, Scampi, Murray, and Scout.

I live in a house that I love with a job that pays my bills and friends that I can always count on. What more does one girl need?

Today we're going to lunch at my aunt and uncle's house, where i will stuff myself with food and pet their two cute dachshunds, then to Travis' parent's house for dinner!  We were planning on seeing the Muppet Movie in between but I couldn't wait any longer so we already saw it! I LOVED it. Jason Seagel is so great. I want to go see it again! And there was a preview for the new studio Ghibli movie before it!! I got so excited the popcorn I was eating fell out of my mouth. It is based on the book "The Borrowers", which I really liked when I was a kid.

Oh I've gone off on a tangent, what I meant to say was I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  1. happy thanksgiving! have fun today! <333

  2. Happy thanksgiving from Australia you sound as though you have a wonderful day planned.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! Love ~ Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty

  4. O, Muppets are my plans for the weekend too! I heard a great interview on Fresh Air with Seagel and the other writer. I loved the Muppets as a kid (and still am very much in love with them). Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. NEW STUDIO GHIBLI MOVIE? be still my heart.


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