Saturday, February 4, 2012

Collection 8: Vintage Dogs

I am a sucker for anything related to dogs, always have been. Not including my collection of vintage pictures of dogs, I have little dog figurines all over my house. One of my favorite things is that dog picture on the right. It is actually a cut out mounted on craft paper. I love his jaunty bowler and the monocle.
This paint by number was actually found by Travis at a thrift store. it is so perfect!
I have had these Dalmatians as long as I can remember. I tried to find out how old they were online, but could only find info on a similar set that was produced in the 1960's. Mine aren't that old. I think they are probably from the 80's, and my grandma probably got them for me since she lives close to Disney. I used to play with them a lot when I was little. I especially loved putting them in my mom's nativity scene. I found our recently that there are two more puppies, so I am on the lookout! 
I got this little dachshund salt shaker for a buck at an antique mall recently. I wish I had the pair!
I love the little dogs with the pink flowers on their chests! I've tried to find more info about them online as well, but came up empty handed. 

Here is Scout coming to see where my cat stuff is. I really don't have that much, isn't that shameful?


  1. Another animal-themed collection (LOVE it!) I already told you how much I love the dalmatians (had one for 15 years), but that Boston is so, so sweet! You find really cool stuff!

  2. O, and I keep forgetting to mention, a while back you showed us all a poodle bookend you found. Is is a single? The reason I ask is I have your mate that I thrifted many moons ago! I would love to get it to you and reunite them in your house of kitsch! You know I'm in Louisville, but I also get down your way a couple times a year or I could just send it. Let me know! :) ginastjoe at aol

    1. O, I see it's in the photo! LOL

    2. I would LOVE to have the mate for my bookend! email me! (rae, i want to have a whole poodle collection! i just love them!

  3. this collection is completely rad!

  4. Love your collection - especially that blue pup! And I gaze in wide wonder at people who can have glass things around cats without destruction.

    1. every once in a while they break something (like my perfect deer tea pot and the beautiful handmade skeleton bride my best friend got me as a wedding gift in mexico) but my cats really don't break that much! They spend most of their time on the washing machine, the kitchen table, or their cat tree. we're adding a wall of built in shelves in our living room, and i'm really hoping they ignore them so i can put all my knick knacks there!

  5. my great grandma had a giant ceramic dog collection. she would always clutch her chest when us kids got too close! they were on these crazy 1970's floor to ceiling shelves. Her house was really ace.

    1. oh man, i wish i could see that. in my head it is spectacular.

  6. Aw poor kitty needs some love too! I have slowly accumulated a shameful amount of vintage kitty items, I can't help myself. Your doggie collection is adorable, I especially love the 101 Dalmatians figures as it was one of my favorite movies as a kid.

    1. i cant believe i don't have more cat stuff! it seems like that is more prevalent at estate sales.
      i loved it as a kid too! i used to say that when i grew up i wanted to be a 101 dalmations animator. which is nonsense. haha.

  7. I'm losing it over that Boston Terrier paint by number. LOSING IT!

    1. seriously, he got it for 25 cents!!! i couldn't believe how awesome it was!

  8. Looks like you've got the beginnings of a widowed salt and pepper shaker collection! :)

  9. I love your doggie collection! I have a thing for vintage deer, although looking at your dogs makes me want some too since they're all so different. Have you ever seen a vintage chihuahua figurine? I need to fine one!

    1. i don't think i've seen a chihuahua. i have NEVER seen a pug either! i want a vintage pug so bad!

  10. I had several of those dalmations...I got them at the disney store. There are from the early 90s.


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