Sunday, February 5, 2012

Do you ever have one of those weeks where you just CAN'T clean up? That blue dicky has been sitting on the kitchen table for 3 weeks! I feel like it is haunting me. 
Scampi loves it though. She has so many things to lay on! And check out that audio book with the kitten on the front. Travis checked it out of the library for our road trip! I can't wait to listen to it!


  1. I think I've had two months straight of those weeks! Scampi is so pretty. Surely she has magical powers and can just wiggle a whisker and put things in their place.

  2. my life. ugh. i wish i could just catch up. enjoy that kitty cat audio book :-)

  3. KITTY! I love her colors, is she a certain breed? I like how she looks like a Siamese but is calico. I still haven't unpacked my suitcase from a trip I took a month ago so you're doing better than me! Ugh clutter.

    1. she is a tortoiseshell/siamese mix! so she is all spotty, but her spots kind of follow the siamese markings, and she has blue eyes!
      oh man, it will probably take me a month to unpack my suitcase when i get home. i hate doing it!

  4. Dewey!! I love that book :D but be warned... it's a bit on the sad side. Have kleenexes nearby!

    1. oh gosh, i BAWLED at the end! i don't know why i didn't expect that!

  5. Been there! I'm always fighting clothes piles. Plus doggie hair!

    1. oh man, with five critters in our house, the pet hair tumbleweeds are always blowing around!

  6. Her eye color is so beautiful! I see you're an animal lover. We have four kitties. I love them so.


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