Monday, February 6, 2012

Photo an hour attempt

I love it when bloggers do a photo an hour post, so I decided to try it last week. I didn't do a very good job keeping up with it. But I'm going to post it anyway!

10 AM
I crawled out of bed super late, then spent an hour on the couch looking at blogs. Chloe was staying with us. She loves to be wrapped in blankets. It is so freaking cute. I got that afghan at an estate sale last month. I LOVE it. 
11 AM
Get ready to leave the house. Look at that audience! Priscilla isn't looking the right way, since she is blind. And check out Murray trying to decide if he wants to jump on the bed too!
Grab an Ale8 for the road. we bought a TON of these while we were in Louisville, my favorite drink!
12 PM
Pick up our passes for universal! As you are reading this I'll probably be drinking a butter beer and petting a hippogriff. I'm SO EXCITED.
1 PM
Went to get my arm measured. Getting more work next month!
2 PM
Potty break.
Discover that Chloe's owner left this long sweater in her bag. LOOKIT THAT TURTLENECK!
Attention hogs. You can see Phyllis, but she was on my lap.
Kill time at the library with Crystal. Looking for animal patterns.
How fun!
Checked out this book, obviously.
7 PM
Don't take pictures for a while. We picked up Marc and his son and went to Chuy's. Ate about 6,000 tortilla chips. And got the tres leches cake. AMAZING. We actually ended up eating out with Crystal and Marc three times in five days! I have been in vacation mode for a whole week!


  1. I think that you did great with the challenge! And oh my god, that turtleneck on sweet Chloe is KILLING me!!

    1. seriously. that sweater was so perfect. i think the turtleneck really made it.

  2. sailor suits for the pugs, you have to make them!!!!

  3. This is such a cute idea, I have to try it! Also how cute are all of those doggies, including the boston in that book!!!

  4. I love when bloggers do the one photo and hour thing too. I keep meaning to do it myself but I never do anything!
    You look like you had a busy day! :]

  5. Puppies!! So so cute <3 I have yet to successfully complete one of those 10 on 10 projects. It's hard!

  6. I wish newman wasn't a nudist...i would insist he wear sailor suits

  7. Ohhh I love this photo an hour idea! Since I'm new to blogging I hadn't seen it before. Now I'm feeling inspired! Although your day looks pretty darn fun, I've gotta wait for a day like that :)

  8. Drinking a butter beer & petting a Hippogriff, goodness, have SO much fun!

  9. such a good idea! i would probably mess it up. i'm way too easily distracted. those library books are ace!

  10. your furbabies are soooo cute!

  11. YOUR DOGS!!!! omg...killing me with cuteness. I love this post, too--thanks so much for linking me and reading my silly photo an hour post! <3


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