Friday, July 6, 2012

1940's Scrapbook

Here is the scrapbook that Travis brought home for me! It was a made by a Jean Burchett from 1945-1948. She kept all KINDs of little random things. Mostly relating to boys. I love it!
I love the old candy wrappers that she saved! And the news highlights of the day. Look at cute Queen Elizabeth! There are lots of clippings about presidents too. And fires.
Teeny tiny firecracker.
"These are daddy's insignia he had while he was in the army during 1945 and 7 months of 1946" I love the black cat one! I should look these up to see what they stand for. 
She saved lots of pennies that people gave to her.
Some more fireworks, and a cigarette pack.
And check out that cigarette! It is a Lucky Strike. There is also an actual piece of moldy old gum taped in here! I can't believe I didn't take a picture of it! So silly.
The last 10 pages are all movie star photos cut out of magazines with "handsome", "pretty", or "charming" written on all of them.
I just love these things. I guess this is another new collection for me. I keep imagining people at my estate sale wondering why the heck I have other people's scrapbooks and family photos. 
Weirdo for life!


  1. What a spectacular find! I'd kill, or at the very least maim someone for a vintage scrapbook. The closest I've found is a travel album of post cards and photos from the 80s. But whoever started it lost interest after a few destinations, which made me quite sad.

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  2. LOL!!! I love it ...

    I kept a book like this my senior year of high school (1979 - 1980. There are a lot of crazy things in the book ... like a check for $0,000,000.00 LOL! A beer tab "engagement" ring! My one and only speeding ticket I got playing chase through town with a friend ... we both got our first speeding ticket that night. My Cheap Trick concert ticket stub ...

    Thanks for the memories!

    Pug Hugs, Ellen

    1. haha, i can't believe i never made one! i had a box full of little useless scraps but they never made it into a book!

  3. What an awesome treasury!!! I love the firecracker, the penny, and the picture of Betty & Harry the best. It's been said so many times on blogs about displaced family photos and keepsakes, but how on earth could someone even remotely related to the original owner not want this?? I'm glad that it found a good home!

  4. I have a scrapbook like that from college. I taped hay from a barn dance, a key, old ticket stubs, a smashed candy cane from when I was a candy cane for Halloween...I would get along with Jean just dandy. That is a treasure!

  5. That is amazing! I love the letterpress cover!

  6. that is amazing!!! It reminds me of going through my dads old yearbooks and seeing the things they write

  7. This is incredible! I am also so intrigued by her desire to save things she got from random boys. lol This is the best.

    1. haha, i think she was boy crazy! i wish i had a picture of her!

  8. Killing me with how great that is! She was a real sentimental gal. I love that.

    1. he brought me some of her love notes too. including ones that say on the bottom: "make sure you tear this up after you read it!" jean wouldn't do that!

  9. Oh how sweet! I always identified with that F Scott Fitzgerald idea of fiction being like a self-describing-memoir-only-better, and my scrapbooks were supposed to help jog my memory in my adulthood. Unfortunately, it's hard for me to make sense of all the candy wrappers and notes-passed I saved, just like this lady except in the 1990's! So cool. I'm so glad you shared her meticulous teenage notes, maybe I'm not crazy!

    1. i just went through a big box full of notes from middle/high school and forced myself to throw away most of them. especially the ones from people i don't even remember!

  10. This is the coolest little treasure I've seen. Knowing it's chalked full of history and people's lives "back in the day" is such a neat concept. You're not a weird-o! I think it's awesome :)

    xo, samantha

  11. This is THE COOLEST find. How personal and charming. I just bought some old photos from Tucson and my boyfriend said something to the effect of "that is such a privacy breach... those are someones personal memories!". I forgot that not everyone is a retrophile like us:) Weirdos FTW!

    1. haha, i have a few friends who think i'm crazy for having a display of vintage photos in my house, but whatever, it is awesome!

  12. what a treasure!! i love her "This is" notes too :)

  13. This is spectacular. I would love to own a vintage scrapbook like found a gem :)


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