Sunday, July 8, 2012

Out to Clarksville for a sale

I don't often drive far for estate sales, but I was off work on Thursday and felt like going somewhere new. Clarksville is about an hour from my house, and I took the back roads. I ended up driving through Addams, Tennessee. I really want to go to the Bell Witch Cave!
I was listening to an NPR story on Woody Guthrie (who I LOVE) and at one point they played a sing-along version of "This Land is Your Land" and I was driving through some beautiful hills and I got all choked up. Hahah, nerd alert!
I got out to the sale around noon, and there was still a lot of great stuff left! I guess a lot of the dealers don't drive out so far. Or maybe there was tons of even better stuff that I missed! I loved these chair cushions! They wouldn't sell them separate from the chairs though. 
How cool is this bed! It was really little, as vintage beds always are.
Beautiful copy of Black Beauty from 1912! I would have loved to have it for my collection, but they wanted 60 bucks for it. I should have left a bid! I never do that, I always think I won't win.
Ohh check out that pink bathroom!
Another one in the series of 3M bookshelf games from the 60's we are collecting! They wanted 35 so I didn't get it. The two I have I only paid 50 cents for. 
This mint bathroom was so pretty!
I like the wallpaper too. Who would have ever thought those would look good together?
There was a TON of good vintage Christmas left! I didn't get these, but someone had personalized all the ones in this box with rick rack and stick on letters. They were pretty cute. 
I also resisted this box of little glass balls.
I was so excited to find these reflectors! I always see them on Magpie Ethel's blog but never see them in person! Same with the mercury picks and garland below! I was seriously STOKED! I ended up only getting the picks and garland though, I was trying not to spend TOO much. I'll come back and show you want I DID get tomorrow!


  1. I love when bathrooms aren't just white. Looks like you had a good time. One day i'll go to one of day!

  2. OH REFLECTORS! I would have snagged them in a flash! Good score on the garland and mercury picks. Nice drive in the country too. Sometimes I will hit a sale a bit out of the city and just groove with the trees and scenery...

    1. i'm really regretting not getting them now! ugh. that is seriously the first time i've ever seen them at a sale. ah well.

  3. I just read The Bell Witch (on my quest to actually read some of my thrifted books!) about a month ago. Wonderful book! The cave is definitely on my (one day) To-Do list! I hope you blog about the visit (if you made it!)

    1. We're going to wait until it is cooler, since you have to canoe to the cave! They have special packages that include things like "15 viewing of the family scrapbook" i'm kind of obsessed with doing that!

  4. hey rae, i know they aren't exactly close but do you ever go to memphis? do you have any tips for fun things to do when we are there on our honeymoon next week? i've done the usual graceland/beale street/sun studios, etc but i'm looking for some more under the radar stuff :) and of course, junk stores and flea markets and such!

  5. The tile! Oh the tile! We hit all the sales in Nashville and I swear, I think the heatwave is winnowing the less-hardcore estate sale crowd...I found something pretty much everywhere I went, and that NEVER happens. Can't wait to see yer haul from Clarksville! :)

    1. i didnt' go to any in town! did you do the family tree one with the buddy lee doll? haha. i couldn't decide if it looked good..

  6. I went canoeing and camping at Red River Canoes in Addams! I just LOVE the drive out there. Did you happen to catch the store front with the moving zombie in it?! So creepy!!!

  7. I am so jelly! You always find estate sales. Most of the ones around here are fake estate sales. Fake? Cause people advertise them as estate sales but they really just garage sales. :/I love the xmas decorations! So cute. :)

    1. ugh, that would make me so mad! i think i'm pretty lucky as far as estate sales. i've tried to go to some in other towns while on vacation and they always seem to be fake sales!

  8. Lots of cool stuff,,, we have some of those old reflector things.
    I wonder if places sell old records like 78's?
    We have a ton of them


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