Saturday, August 11, 2012

A friend's haul

A friend of mine, Brett, goes to the World's Longest Yard Sale every year, and he posted a great recap and haul photo on his tumblr. I loved it so much I wanted to share it with you! Click over to see it bigger and read his tips on his site!
Brett is a really talented photographer and a lot of this stuff is for his upcoming shoots I'm sure. You should check out his portfolio, especially is self portrait page. I'm pretty partial to the second from the bottom where he is recreating one of my favorite Elvis pictures. 


  1. He is so talented. I love all of his pictures!

  2. such a beautiful shot. I can't believe he got a vintage tripod for 2o bucks! ......jealous.

  3. wow. his photos are amazing. I like the robot girl ones!


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