Sunday, August 12, 2012

Plasticville, USA!

One more post about the World's Longest Yard Sale! I have one more find to talk about. We found this bag at an otherwise unremarkable table. I had seen something, somewhere, recently about Plasticville models and thought we could take a chance and buy the whole bag, even though we couldn't really see what was in it. It was just 10 bucks.
Here is what was in the bag. They all seem to be early 1950's, at least according to this website.
And after I put them all together. It was pretty fun. I wish I had a cool place to display these. Travis is probably just going to sell them on ebay.
The boxes are so great!
Sweet set of plastic animals. The horses in the background are metal and say "Made in Germany" on the underside.
The pigs and ducks and trough are also metal.

I wish I could order some of these other products! Which would you pick? The animal candle holders look pretty good to me!
I bought these kits too. I like the Dr. Zaius package, I looked at pictures of it built online and it isn't actually cute. So we'll just display the box. i couldn't resist the monster kits either, though I wasn't really sure what they were.
It turns out you can make multiple rats, spiders, and skulls filled with snakes to go with your monster models. Pretty cute! I would love to have a Creature from the Black Lagoon model!
I will leave you with this picture of Priscilla. She looks like an uncooked turkey to me! How sweet.


  1. I bought a box of vintage toys a while back and there was a lot of Plasticville in the box. Looks like you got some great pieces, they should sell easily.

  2. Ahh I want to come over and play with all your new toys. Those monster kits are pretty awesome. Man, I'm such a horror geek.

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  3. HOLY CRAP. Those vintage monster kits are amazing. Please build them. I need to see it all come together. I am very jealous of the find this week. :P

  4. Agree! Those monster kits are amazing! I bet the metal horses are older (pre WW2).

  5. Looka that baby pug/baster turkey! So cute. I love when you buy something almost sight unseen (like your farm set) and it turns out to be this epic purchase. Ten bucks buys you all that! Total success. I want some monster kits like that! It's my heart's fondest wish to make multiple rats, spiders, and skulls! (sixties' childhood almost has eighties' childhood beat for sheer incidence of acceptable spooky interests).

    1. the skulls are extra creepy, they are full of snakes! haha. i need to buy some model paint and build away!


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