Wednesday, August 8, 2012

World's Longest Yard Sale: End of the Trail

Here we go, the last day of the sale! I don't know how people do all four days! After just one I was wiped out. We got up around 8:30 and went to Aretha Frankenstein's for breakfast. The service was terrible and weird but my pancakes were OFF THE HOOK! I don't know if they make them in a pan or what, but they were super thick and good! I should have asked for a smaller portion. I barely ate half! Yummmm it was so good. 
It was much less hot on Sunday. A few of the vendors had/were packing up, but there was still a ton of stuff to see. And lots of places had "free" or "half off" signs. We heard, "Just take it so I don't have to pack it up!" more than once. 
Look at that kudzu in the background!
I can't decide which brooch I like best in this photo. They were all at least 15 bucks though, and I'm a 5 dollar brooch kind of girl. That blue cat was tempting though.
I saw so many pretty bottles, but what would I do with them? I almost bought a pretty striped NEHI bottle. I guess I could put flowers in it? 
Another boston! This baby didn't move at all, even though I was snapping away.
So cute.
I was excited to see this! I haven't added to my salt and pepper collection in a while. I think it is natural that as your collection grows, you get more picky. I couldn't believe some of the shakers that were left on this table! Lots were modern and boring, but there were quite a few made in Japan with cork stoppers and even a made in occupied Japan! 
By this time we had been out for about two hours. We were up on Signal Mountain and I was trying to find a certain booth. Beca had been in this area the day before, and after I told her boyfriend Doug that I was on the lookout for a certain taxidermy animal he instagramed me a picture of exactly what I wanted! My only clue to its whereabouts were signal mountain, so we were stopping everywhere we saw taxidermy. I was feeling hopefully when we pulled into this field were lots of vendors were set up.
This guy had lots of great portraits! They were pricey though. This group of tents had lots of antique/vintage dealers who weren't interested in making deals.
And then I found him! My squirrel! I have wanted one for YEARS, but never found the perfect one. Look at how BIG he is! And cute! He had a little felt vest on, but we immediately cut it off, and pulled the gun off. We're deciding on the perfect thing to put in his hand. Travis wants a wand. 
Travis got so many comments walking around with this little dude! Most people thought he was cute, and kids wanted to pet him. One lady was making some really rude comments about the "dead animal" we were carrying, while stuffing a hamburger in her mouth. Ha!  This little squirrel dude is going to be loved for many many years in this house. I still haven't picked a name. Nothing has seemed just right.
Look at how gorgeous! This would look so great as the focal point of a room.
To me this looked like someone had their face put on the Virgin Mary, and their kid's face on Jesus, haha! What a good idea.
A cute raccoon. That little tag on his head says "not for sale." The guy at this booth loved our squirrel.
I was surprised by the lack of vintage Christmas stuff, so I was happy to find a lot in this booth!
Look at this incredible thing! Travis said NO immediately, haha!
I think it has to be hand made. Her body is styrofoam, with a whole little gnome scene inside. After I took these pictures the ladies whose booth it was were really cute and asked why I took a picture. One woman said, "She asked me why I bought that when I did, and I told her that some people like that kind of thing! She thinks you took a picture because you were looking for the ugliest thing at the sale!"
I think she was tickled that I loved it so much. I told her if Travis and I hadn't given each other veto power before the sale, she would have come home with us!
We were so excited to see that this stand offered veggie corn dogs! We had to get them of course, Travis had a jalapeno corn dog. There he is, making his order with our new squirrel friend. 
Once we got back in the car, and looked at everything piled up we decided that we were satisfied and it was time to head home. We hoped on the road, picked up Phyllis and Priscilla, then hang out on the couch the rest of the night. What a great weekend. I will definitely be back next year!


  1. you didn't buy that teradactyl broach!?!??!

  2. Oh! What is Mr. Squirrel's name? Because you KNOW you've named him! Good call on removing the gun. It just cheapens his beauty. I'm with you on that crazy Christmas thingie. Love it. Glad that y'all had a great time!

    1. i haven't decided on a name yet! nothing has seemed just right.

  3. There was a taxidermied (can I really turn that into a verb?) squirrel stuck with magnets to the fridge in the crew house I lived at in South Dakota last summer. I was always afraid I was going to touch it on accident when I opened the fridge. Eek! My housemate made it himself. His dad is really into taxidermy, so he tried his hand at it too. I think Merlin or Franky would be great names for your new furry friend.

    I love the pterodactyl brooch the most. The blue cat is second. I just learned that I can't spell pterodactyl. Thank you auto spell check thingy.

    1. oh my GOD i can't stop laughing about the fridge squirrel! so WEIRD! and cute! haha

  4. I don't know...I kind of liked the gun. Then you could find an even smaller animal's mounted head and set up a little hunting lodge diorama with Mr. Squirrel as the hunter!!

    1. oh man, what about with mounted bugs? like, big beetles! squirrely does need a little diorama home I think.

  5. How about Scabbers? He looks a bit toothy like Peter Pettigrew! I'm biased tho cause I love Ron.

    1. oh i am definitely a ron fan too. i would give anything to be a weasley!

  6. Squirrel guy is cute! I've been looking for one of those metal x-mas card boxes! That was a cute one too. I would have been really excited to see the funnel cake stand too! :)
    Looks like so much fun!

    1. that box was the first one i've actually seen! i was so happy to find it, i even paid the 10 bucks! usually i am CHEAP haha

  7. Oh, the taxidermied squirrel is AMAZING! I have a taxidermied beaver that took ages to name, it's quite an arduous process, but we settled with Barnaby because it felt right. When you have the right name, you'll know. I've been on the hunt for the next perfect little piece too and I'll know it when I see it. You definitely hit the jackpot with your little guy!
    ♡ Brooke

  8. OMG those pancakes are insane!! Glad you had a fun time! :)

  9. It looked like a lot of fun to me! So many old coke bottles!

  10. Congrats on the squirrel! Am surprised you did not run into more always happy when I find a spot of it at an flea market or calls to me!

  11. Ow my, an E.T. lunch box!!!

  12. Looks like a fun time to me. I love taking photos of the quirky stuff, too. This is something that the vendor always finds strange. I then explain the blog and I love all of the unusual finds and the mood changes completely, lol.

    That's an awesome squirrel. You could give him a stick and a wizard hat and... bam! He's Gandalf. "You shall not pass!" Ha ha, love it.

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

    1. i have thought about making little blog "business cards" to hand out when I want to take pictures, to make me seem more legit. hahaha. they could say something like "blogger and professional nerd"

  13. I love the squirrel! Great job finding the good stuff. I would love to go thrift hunting with you!

  14. Those pancakes look mega odd. I'm glad they tasted good :) And what is with all the salt and pepper shakers at the $1 table? I love the squirrel you got. Very rad.

  15. That squirrel rules!

    I plan on hitting this sale next year. Already have 1 week of vacation slotted for it :)

    Now I just have to start saving moola

    1. yes!! where are you going to fly in to?? we can hang out!!

  16. This is such a cute yard sale!

  17. I can't believe you didn't buy the gnome scene/girl thing! It's incredible!
    As for the squirrel, of course he is AMAZING. I think you should name him Squirrely Dan. I can't believe the rude lady commenting on your dead animal while EATING one. I wish Mr. Crafter would have been there - he would have verbally eviscerated her for you.

  18. Love the squirrel....Perfect centerpiece for any room


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