Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A visit to Santa!

I'm not going to lie, I am not really in the Christmas spirit yet. I haven't pulled out any of my decorations yet! Not even my aluminum trees, even though I was so excited about finding a color wheel earlier in the year. But maybe this will help! While I was gone Travis saw a flyer advertising pet photos with "tattooed Santa!" The money went to the Labor of Love animal rescue and he was super sweet and took the girls out there, because he knew I would love it. He even put Phyllis in a sweater and Priscilla in her Santa hat! I got the pictures yesterday. Check them out!
 Seriously KILLING me! Apparently they were a hit.

 Such a sweet girl.
 The tongue!
I'm so happy that Travis took them for me! I missed out on getting their picture with Santa last year, and I love that the fee went to a good cause. Merry Christmas from our little furry family!


  1. That is awesome ... Priscilla and Phyllis are so cute! Hope Santa brings them everything their heart desires!

    Pug Hugs, Ellen
    Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

  2. So friggin CUTE! They've loving it!

  3. Well girl, get with it! I know you have tons of cool christmas decorations and kitsch. Just put some Bing Crosby or Andy Williams on and get it done. Nice pooch pictures too :->

  4. What adorable pictures! I love them

    urban hounds

  5. They look so adorable. Ah I wanted to take captain out to get his photo taken too but, no time, not enough money. Hopefully next year... girl get yo xmas sh*t out!

  6. What precious photos. I did not get my picky taken this year with Santa! Shame on me.
    love tweedles

  7. Best photo I've seen all day. They look so happy togther. Now you huys have to get in teh photo next time.

  8. PS: Hurrry up and get Christmasy. I want to see your house all done up in your decorations.

  9. How fun is that! I have been a bit behind in the spirit also. Something in the air this year!

  10. Awwwwww! Those pictures put this Grinch a bit more in the mood! :)


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