Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Last Naples Post - Why I Was There

 My trip to Naples was kind of life changing for me. Which sounds weird but hear me out. I've been struggling with how to write about it. I know that topics like weight and health and food can be touchy subjects, so I won't be offended if you skip this post. I'm not the best writer, I'm much more comfortable letting the images do that talking, but here goes.
You might have guessed by now, but I work for the biggest "natural" grocery store chain in the country. It isn't my dream job, but it is a good job and the company rules for the most part. They make these health immersion trips available to interested team members a few times a year and I decided to apply this fall. I wasn't sure I would learn anything but I knew at least I would be in a beautiful warm place, all expenses paid, for part of the hectic holiday retail season. Also as I'm getting older I'm realizing I'm not invincible (duh). I've had some health problems come up this year, nothing serious, but enough to make me open to making some changes. And this is kind of embarrassing, but for the last 3 years we've been vegetarians who rarely ate vegetables.
Don't these work vehicles look weird on the beach?
Each day consisted of a few parts. We started each day working out on the beach. You could pick yoga, tai chi, or  fitness. I did yoga the first two days then spent the rest of the week doing tai chi. I loved it so much! It was so relaxing and fun and the instructor was really great. There were different lectures throughout the day, on all kinds of health topics. I was afraid they would be boring because I do lots of trainings for my job but they were all interesting and engaging. We had an afternoon break where you could do fitness again or just hang out. Most days I took a walk down the beach or swam in the heated salt water pool.
The focus of the food was eating all real, whole foods. So nothing processed and it was all vegan except for a few nights when they had chicken so the meat eaters wouldn't revolt. There was no caffeine, no salt, no oil. The idea wasn't to put you on a diet, and there were people there of all sizes, some with health problems, some with none. The idea was to learn about what you put into your body and how it effects you. The first couple days were a little miserable because everyone was detoxing. I had it pretty easy because I don't do caffeine or meat anyway, but I did break out pretty bad because I'm the queen of fried food. I also had a killer sweet tooth and one night the sugar cravings made me crazy and I ate all three of the bars I had brought to eat at the airport! Haha!
It was amazing the changes some people saw it just a week. For me the biggest thing was learning about toxic hunger and the way that certain things can be as addictive. They can affect your brain in the same way a drug can, releasing dopamine and suppressing serotonin.  Not having access (well, you could have left the resort or gotten room service or something, they weren't watching you or anyting) to things like cheese and sugary drinks and fried stuff for a just a week gave me a chance to see how those things aren't necessary for me. I've stuck to it since I've been back, and I really can't believe how easy it has been. I feel really good about it, if a little weird. The point they made that really stuck with me was that you spend so much of your time in this life working to make money. Why spend your money on things that won't prolong your life so you can enjoy more of it once you get to retire?
Here I am with Linda who I met during the week. Her story isn't mine to tell but she was really inspiring to me.
Dr. Stoll was the main speaker during the week, and he was there with his wife and six kids. They have been eating this way for ten years! She did a cooking demo and I got to talk to her after and she was so great and honest and told me how their journey had been. I asked if their family still gave them a hard time about it and she said yes! Dang, I was hoping it would pass with time. Dr. Stoll and the whole staff was so compassionate and caring and really listened to you and you could tell they were there because they cared. I talked to him about Travis getting up at 4 am for his job and how I worried about him not being awake enough to drive and he took a lot of time with me to give me suggestions for what we can do about it. I really appreciated it. There was no shaming during the week or anything like that. It was really about education and showing you how you could make any changes you wanted to.
At the beginning of the week I decided that when I got home Travis and I would go out and get a big pizza and have a farewell to cheese. But by the time I got home I didn't even want it. Which is crazy for me. I felt really empowered with the knowledge I gained and the progress I had made. We cleared out our whole kitchen. Of course it has only been a week, but I feel great about it. My tastes have already changed and I find myself really looking forward to the fresh food I've been eating. This is from someone who didn't know how to put a salad together two weeks ago, and always picked the vegetables out of sauce or off my pizza. I almost feel as if I've been brain washed, it is so out of character!
So yeah, that is how my week went. I feel awesome and we're already saving a lot of money not eating out almost every night. Travis has been totally supportive (as usual) and he is having a good time with it as well. We've been cooking a lot and our whole fridge is full of produce. I keep saying it, but I really can't believe how much of a change I've made in such a short time, and especially how good I feel about the decision. I'm thankful that my job gave me this opportunity. Not many companies do things like that for their employees, especially their lowly hourly workers.


  1. What a great company you work for!!

    Sounds like you really learned a lot - good for you!! Change is always good, but a change like this is excellent!!

  2. :) :) and :) Thank you for sharing, Rae. I am real happy for you and you know what? I NEEDED this reminder. You've encouraged me greatly in getting back to mindful and healthy eating. In our current situation I have stopped caring about my physical health and nutrition and have been just killin my body and energy with crap foods (yes, I was eating from the family size bag of Doritos at the beginning of reading this...) You're honest excitement just zapped me back.

    p.s. I stopped eating the Doritos.

  3. Your little break away sounds like a wonderful idea. I struggle to eat healthily as well....for me it's the effort required with cooking that puts me off. But with the weight creeping on each year I'm sure I could do with making some better choices. I wish you the best on the journey that lies ahead. Thanks for sharing! Xx

  4. AWESOME, RAE!! The food really IS a drug because you feel like you really need it and want it but as soon as you get it out of your system it almost feels effortless to make the right choices. I'm so glad you had a great experience. It sounds incredible. I wish I could go! So awesome that you guys are cooking more, too!

  5. Awesome, good for you. My hubby always says it isn't about losing weight, it is about feeling better and being healthy. We cut out soda a couple years ago and it is so funny how we just always had coke in our fridge and it was natural to crack one open. I think your body really does get used to it. Now I drink sugary stuff on occasion and hope I can keep it up.

    Keep us posted!

  6. Sounds amazing. I love veggies but I love junk food too. You are much more focused than I am. Good work!

  7. That sounds like an amazing nourishing (in more ways than one) experience . You're right - that's an awesome and unique thing for your company to do.

    I love the honest voice that comes through in your blog - it's one of my fav blogs to read, FYI!

    I'm so glad you have been inspired to make changes. I need a bit of that too!!! I need to make my body my temple again...

    Good luck with it all! And what an AMAZING place where you were staying. Did you take photos of the interiors?

  8. Well done. What a great experience for you both.

  9. Wow...that is so amazing that your employer offers this kind of thing, especially in this economy. And go you for taking advantage of it! It sounds like it was an awesome experience. We definitely could stand to have more vegetables in our fridge around here...the Mister prefers a lo-carb diet but that doesn't seem to translate into a more-vegetables diet. I have made huge changes re:exercise over the past couple of months (and by that I mean, I actually do exercise instead of never exercising. I mean ever.) but the diet needs work! So, keep posting about this because I could use the inspiration...:)

  10. That's so great!! We always try to eat healthy and I always cook dinner at home except on Fridays or when we go to my parents for dinner. We're not as clean of eaters as it sounds like you guys are doing though, we couldn't give up meat and I would have a really hard time not eating any cheese!! It's one of my favorite snacks, haha.

  11. Haha how did you live without vegetables?! If I go more than a day or two without juicing, I freak out. Anyway, though, I'm so happy for you! I get so excited when people make healthy changes in their life. I truly believe that when you feel good and treat your body how it needs to be treated, everything in your life changes for the better. The hardest part is just making the shift and adjusting to a new routine, and until it truly becomes routine there will be challenges, so don't ever get discouraged because the hardest part is over. A trick I use when I'm making food choices is actually picturing what effect the food is having on my body, whether it's positive or negative.

  12. Soooo, now I want to work for Whole Foods. Employee wellness as a priority! I just love that! I love it. What an amazing opportunity. Earlier this year, they started offering free pilates and zumba classes for library employees during the work day at the downtown branch, and it has just about changed my life. You and salads was like me and situps...but now I try and do something active every day. And it truly does make you kind of misty eyed about your employer actively trying to make your life better and succeeding. Good luck with your new resolutions! You can do it! Ra! Ra! :)

  13. Rae- this is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing. I gotta give a big shout out to WF for offering things like this to their employees. Just honestly, it's great to see a company practice what the preach. I recently cut out dairy, gluten and legumes from my diet (I still eat meat) and it's going well. I'm only on my 3rd week so I need to give it more time! So, if you want to come over and cook a clean eating meal with me I would LOVE some quality Rae time :)

  14. Congratulations, that sounds like an amazing opportunity! I always tell myself if I could just get a good head start, I'd be good to go. It sounds like your company has given you a great head start. Bad habits are hard to break but it is surprising how delicious good-for-you food is when prepared properly. It is funny because most of the vegetarians I know are the least healthy eaters. Keep up the good work - you're inspiring the rest of us!

  15. Wow, sounds like a great week. I have been eating more whole foods this year - mostly due to having to be more frugal and eating out less. I can't give up meat yet but loved hearing your story

  16. What an honest and emotional blog post. I love reading it. I too was a crapatarian (crap eating vegetarian) for many years. But then healthy food started to taste good.
    I'm glad you enjoyed your trip. Your smile is glowing in these photos. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  17. The post was well written and received, Rae! I struggle too in this area. I used to be really health concious and felt great. Unfortunately, sometime after moving to KY I became a big ball of work and life stress and I found myself not eating as well as I should. I gained 30(!) pounds since moving here and have not felt well in 2+ years (apparently I have allergies to the Ohio Valley). I have been thinking a change is needed for 2013: better, mindful eating and exercise. I hope you post your recipes and tips as you find your balance.

  18. What a great experience - I'm so glad it gave you a path to making some changes so you can feel better! And how lucky you are to have such a sweet and supportive husband. He sounds like a keeper :)

  19. You are so lucky to have someone supportive in your life. My husband... Not so much. If I wanted to do this my hubby would throw a fit. You should have seen him when I started meatless mondays. But I told him that if he didn't eat what I cooked then he would have to fend for himself (which he sometimes does). But healthy choices would be SO much easier if my husband was like yours...


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