Saturday, March 22, 2014

12 Years!

Today is Travis' birthday! He is 29 today and we've been having an amazing time. Right now I'm killing some time before we leave for dinner and his tattoo appointment (he is getting work on his BELLY and I bet it will be so painful!)

It is not only Travis' birthday, it is the day we started dating back in 2002! So that means we've been together for 12 years! We're getting pretty close to having spent half of our lives together. So here are some photos of us over the years:

2002: Here is the first picture of us ever taken! Really cute right?
Working the Art Club booth in the high school cafeteria. 
Prom and graduation. At this point my parents were sure we wouldn't be together once I started college.
2004: The next summer we got engaged. It was pretty early, so we were engaged for a while.
2008: We got married!
Looking gorgeous at the Nashville zombie walk. We used to LOVE getting dressed up as zombies.
Here we are posing with the sold sign it front of our house! We found out it was officially ours at night and couldn't wait until morning to go by!

Our little family!

Here's to 12 years with Travis, the best man I've ever known! I'm so happy we found each other so long ago and that we still have so much fun together. I hope you enjoyed this little walk down memory lane. 


  1. Just spent the evening with my friends who got married in their early twenties and tneir son (who i did the hospital dash to the labour ward for), and my husband of two years (who i married at 47). Many ways to make a happy family

  2. congrats you guys and a happy birthday to Travis! I love seeing old pictures of couples. You guys are so cute.

  3. Thanks for the little look back and Happy Birthday to the birthday boy!

  4. You two are so cute together! Happy anniversairy!! Especially love your family portrait xx

  5. 12 years! In all the pictures you can see how happy you are together. congrats to you and here is to many more. You guys together even younger then John and me we started dating in college and got engaged at 20 and married at 23 now we have been together 18 years tomorrow.

    retro rover

    PS very cool that Travis has the same bday as William shatner

  6. Happy birthday and congratulations on being together for 12 years! I've never even been in one state for 12 years, much less with the same person. So kudos!

  7. yay! That is so long! congrats to you and travis. YOu all are seriously one of my favorite couples. You compliment each other salt and pepper shakers. Also, I love old pictures like this! The many haircuts of Rae and Trav!

  8. GAH YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE. Congratulations on 12 years! :D

  9. Such a sweet post. Love the old pic of you in your Weezer shirt. So rad.

  10. 12 years! You guys are going to be like those vintage photos we're always finding of people who grew up and grew old together--- so sweet and rare in our generation! Congrats and here's to a bunch more!! :D

  11. Congratulations to you both!

    I have loved reading about your adventures over the past few years :)


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