Friday, March 14, 2014

VIntage Photo Friday

Remember back last August when I said I was going to start sharing some of my extensive vintage photo collection on Fridays? I spent a lot of time scanning in hundreds of my photos, then pow! My 8 year old laptop crashes and I lost them all and was too annoyed to do it again. Well now I'm back at it! I have made myself a goal to get all of my loose photos (upwards of 300) into albums by the end of the month so I'm going to try and scan some of the best to share with you!
Vintage photos are probably  my biggest collecting passion. I love looking through boxes and boxes of other people's memories and choosing some to bring home. My biggest collection is my vintage dog collection, so I'll show you a few recent finds: 
This little girl in the big sun hat and her sweet dog is a photo postcard from the little girls mom to a friend. That dog reminds me of Haley, my first dog. She was a lab/german shepard mix with white paws and a white chest. She was the best dog ever!
 I like how they all look serious in this photo, even the little dog. And check out the sandals on that lady on the left! I'll take them! And her sweater!
 A sweet little guy basking in the sun. 
 I try not to buy blurry photos but I like the action in this one. See the little dog laying in the leaves? And I THINK the guy on the left is a cat, judging by the ears and tail. I wonder if they were trying to bring him into the picture, or sho him away. Also, check out that football helmet and striped shirt!
 Travis found this one for me and I LOVE it! The little spaniel is posed so perfectly in the car window! And the antlers on the house in the back. I wonder if it is some kind of weekend cabin.
And how could I resist this sweet face? 

If you like vintage photos make sure you check out the Queen of Vintage Photo Friday Posts, Lisa over at She Was  a Bird! She always finds the BEST photos and I look forward to her posts every week!


  1. I love them all vintage dog photos are the best

    retro rover

  2. My Grandma and I went through all her old photos, pulling out the ones that included a dog. I love that I have the pictures now, and also, the story that goes with the picture. It was the best birthday gift!

  3. how neat to have such a large collection of photos from a different time. I love looking at candids.

  4. I like the lady chasing the dog into or out of the photo best-- isn't it neat when you find those unexpected, in-media-res kind of pictures? Thanks for the shout out, I'm looking forward to seeing more pics from your collection!!! :D

  5. The little girl next to the giant tree stump is so cute. You have such a cool collection, can't wait for more!


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