Thursday, March 13, 2014

100 Books: 14-21

So my reading goal has gone from 25, to 50, and now to 100. I guess I didn't realize how much I read when I set it. Someone asked me how I found time to read so much and mostly I just read on my breaks at work (1 hour a day) and then for about an hour before I go to bed. When it is my day off and I don't have anywhere to go I love to lay in bed for an hour and read. It feels indulgent to me. 
Here is an update on what I've been reading lately! As you can see I'm sticking to my library goal, too! We've been going every weekend to drop of a bag of books and pick up new ones. 
14. Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple: I feel like I've seen this book on every blog and instagram over the last year. Probably because the cover art is so cute! Thankfully it lives up to the hype. I loved the way the story was told through different emails/letters/phone transcripts instead of a traditional narrative.
15-16. Soulless Vol. 1 & 2 by Gail Carriger: These are the manga versions of the Parasol Protectorate series that I read earlier in the year. It was fun to see someone else's interpretation of the characters I have been imagining for a few years. The actual novels are better, but that is what I expected. I'll look for the rest of these when they come out, even if they make Lord Macconn WAY less manly than I have been imagining him.
17. Tell The Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt: Another one with a great cover I've been seeing everywhere. And again it didn't disappoint. A coming of age story with an interesting plot and an original narrator. It was one of those books I wanted to keep going once it was over.
18. Special Exits by Joyce Farmer: This is a graphic novel. Travis and I look through the graphic novel section every time we're in the library. He goes for action/zombie/superhero stuff, and I go for the more "boring" ones. I prefer mostly graphic novels about everyday life (I LOVE the Snakepit books, and Alison Bechdel's Fun Home). This is about a woman taking care of her father and his second wife as they age. It is really sweet and sad and poignant.
19. Saga Volume One by Brian K. Vaughan: This is a comic series that is ongoing. I usually get into things way after they are over so it is a little frusterating waiting for the new ones to come out! Haha, I want it now! All the copies of the second volume are checked out so I'm on the waiting list.  A friend's husband recommended this series and it is wonderful so far! The first volume introduces you to a little baby alien born to two different species that are on opposite sides of a interplanetary war. The art is beautiful and the character design is really creative and creepy and amazing!
20. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell: This is the book I read on my snow day from work, cover to cover in one sitting. I absolutely loved it! I'm a little bit of a fangirl (not nearly as into fandom as I used to be) and I related so much to the main character and her love of Simon Snow. I also might be a bit of a closeted fan fiction reader. Maybe.
21. Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman : Like everyone else I loved the show on Netflix so I wanted to check the book out. I alternated between loving it and hating it. A certain points Piper is insufferable (she brings a freaking foi gras sandwich to eat in the waiting room on the day she self surrenders. for some reason that was REALLY annoying to me) and endearing. By the end of the book I liked her and the story she told. It is different from the show, obviously, in the narrative structure and almost all the characters are just mentioned for a few pages. It is an interesting look at what life is like in a minimum security prison and worth a read.


  1. one hundred is a lot for me. My goal is 20 :) My thing with books is if I really like it I can't do anything else, I will the book until I'm done with 1 or 2 breaks to eat. If I like it but not really excited about I will read so slow, will take 3 or 4 months to read it. If I don't like the first 20 pages I don't read. Some books I dodn't like before I like now and mostly I read for the second time has a different meaning to me, guess has to do with life experiences.

    1. i love to read on my work breaks because it feels like an escape! i think that is why i read so many ,haha!

  2. thanks for the post! I love book recomondations so I added some of these to my to read list!

    The Joyful Thrifter

  3. Saga is incredible!! I read the first two volumes back to back 2-3 times. I also learned today that volume 3 is being released on 3/25! Halleloo! ♥

    1. i'm trying to wait patiently for volume two to be turned back in at the library. i want to call the person up and say "it doesn't take that long to read! bring it to me!"

  4. I am glad you are doing this because whne I get on my next reading kick, I totally plan on just stealing all of your picks. I have heard mixed things about Orange is the New Black...I kinda wish I had read it before watching the series...but oh well.

    1. dooooo it

      the book oitnw is really different from the series. i don't think either one spoils the other really. the series is much more dramatic.

  5. I read Orange is the New Black before I watched the series - I didn't find the book great but loved the show - anxious to see it back on!!


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