Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Louisville Finds

Here are the few little things we picked up on our trip to Louisville in February. One thing we always seem to find in that town are large vintage cups! This one is probably really some kind of shaker but they are still great. Vintage cups are always so small and when you drink as much water as we do, sometimes it is annoying to get up and fill your cup over and over! I picked up the little squeak toy bunny to add to my tiny collection of vintage Easter. I think I'll have enough for a small display this year. 
We have so many cool mugs we try really hard to resist them. But Travis loved this guy. The back of it has four rules to being a good steward of the forest when you go camping. The crazing is more visable in this photo than in real life.
 I can't ever resist woodland creatures. Especially deer or squirrels!
 Another item for the Easter display. Have you seen these before? Apparently you can put the whole book on your record player and it will play! I haven't decided if I want to try it yet. I don't want to damage it, or my record player!
 And last but not least these owl latch hook thing! It looks great hanging on my craft room wall. One of my goals this month is to take good photos of my craft room to share here. It is so dark in there!


  1. Love the record. There was one on Ebay I was watching, but didn't get that bid going.

  2. I think you can play those book things. Ask Jamie tonight because he will definitely know. He has a similar one...where it's like a square sheet you pull out of a book to play.

  3. great deer collection and oh look at this owl. Yes please, share your Craft Room with us, I love how inspiring they usually are.

  4. I think I vaguely remember a handheld record thing that could play the books...........

  5. Nice! I love the rabbit! I have a couple of the record postcards (not a book), and they play just fine.

  6. That latch hook is fantastic! Imagine the time and love someone put into that...

  7. I now want a latch hook owl and I am not into owls. You are a bad influence. :)


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