Saturday, March 24, 2012

Collection 12: Owls!

If you blog, you have to be into owls right? Haha, owls are so prevalent in vintage decor you always find tons in thrift shops. And they are so cute! These are part of my larger woodland creature collection (including my squirrels and deer). I recently thrifted that little shelf! It is so cute, I'm not sure where it will end up.
The shell owl is from a Florida trip a few years ago. A friend gave me the white owls as a wedding gift.
Super cute owl salt and pepper shakers. I like that they are colored like parrots.
Coconut owl! This is another Florida purchase. I couldn't resist him!
I got this ash tray at an antique mall years ago. The cats recently broke the front of it, but I love it so much I'm going to keep it. Have you ever seen a cuter ash tray? 
Handmade owl art! Travis made the one of the left, and he found that hilarious sun flower seed one on the right. He has little tiny seeds around his eyes. So weird and awesome.
A sweet wooden owl that my best friend bought for me on her trip to Mexico! She always brings me back the BEST gifts.
A little Ryan Berkley illustration, I love that Mr. Owl has on an owl brooch. A little owl avon bottle, and a cute Nashville owl thermometer.
I actually have more owl art, but it is all pretty big and I didn't pull it down. Those owls on the wood are really pretty, I got them at an estate sale for a dollar. The white owls are made of thick paper. They are from the goodwill outlet, so is the owl wire art.
Hope you enjoyed that! It is probably my last woodland creatures collection, I don't think I have enough skunks or foxes to give them their own post. One of these days I'll figure out the lighting situation and give you a tour of my woodland-themed craft room!


  1. haha everyone does seem to love owls and deer...
    You could always make post about both your skunk and fox collection? I wanna see cute fox stuff! And I've never really seen much skunk stuff.

  2. now I feel like I am the only blogger without an owl collection

  3. i don't have an owl collection, but i wish i did! i'm too busy collecting ponies and harry potter stuff. i guess that kind of counts for some owls? anyway this is probably my favorite of all of your collections.

    1. i need to take a picture of my harry potter shelf. i don't have that much stuff, believe it or not. i keep one of the white owls on the shelf though. and a cast iron black cat!

  4. I don't have an owl collection, either, but they look awesome!


  5. There is something about owls :-) I love the turquoise owl and the Avon owl. I have a large pewter owl necklace which is worn often and recently I was given a portrait of an owl, which was painted by a friend. Owls are friendly looking I think. Your collection is amazing!

    1. yes, there is something just so nice about their HUGE eyes. i love that they are so popular, it makes them easy to find!

  6. I love your owl collection.....and deers.....and squirrels by the way!

  7. i love your owls! such a good collection.

  8. Yes, now you mention it i do have a few owls scattered about too. I'm crazy about the avon ones are classic, you must have a macrame one do you? I tried to make a mini macrame owl for my doll house but it didnt work out, but i really want a life size one now, they are the ultiate retro owl for me x

    1. i ALMOST bought one at an estate sale, passed it up, and now i'm kicking myself! i just wasn't sure where I could hang it. i really need one though, they are so classic.

  9. Gaaah, this is amazing! What a beautiful collection. XO

  10. love your collection but where is our cute little christmas owl? I forgot who made it though I still want to find one. I just sold my owl clock on ebay Friday for $29.99 It s going to australia

    1. haha, i love "our' though. i knew exactly what you were talking about! he is packed away with the christmas goodies and i am WAY too lazy to go down to the basement. he was made by analee!

    2. I'll have to write that down. I may find one someday on ebay from someone who doesnt know what they got

  11. Eeep! The owl from Mexico and the white one! Love them!

  12. Your owl collection is lovely! And I must admit, I'm also a big fan of owls, and I have to say that my collection even is a (bit) bigger than yours, muahaha! ;)

  13. gahhhh!!!! i love owls! that sunflower seed one is just perfect!

    1. that sunflower seed owl is one of my favorite finds ever! i just LOVE crafts like that!

  14. tengo mi coleccion de buhos cuadros artesanales vintages de todo pueden ver mi coleccion personal en mis album en facebook sergio andino pineda amo los buhos .


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