Saturday, June 6, 2015

Cabin in the Smokies

The best part about going to Gatlinburg (in my humble opinion) is renting a cabin in the mountains.Don't just stay in a hotel! You need a hot tub with a beautiful view! We usually rent through Mountain Chalets (though I just noticed they don't post your reviews if you post anything negative. All I said was the only problem with this cabin was the terrible water pressure in the shower. Oh well.) Everything else was great!
Look at that view!
If you want a private cabin look for ones advertised as honeymoon rentals, or with names like the cuddle bear.
Here is the view from our hot tub on the porch. Glorious! We picked a good time to go. It was warm and beautiful during the day, then chilly at night. Perfect hot tub weather.
We also had this sweet heart jacuzzi in the room! Haha! Most cabins we've stayed in have had a black bear theme, but these people chose pandas. Interesting choice. I loved our little cabin, it was perfect for just two people. Also, did I mention we payed for this trip with the money we've made since we started doing Kon Mari? We've sold a bunch of stuff and saved it up to do something like this.
On Sunday we tried to visit my holy land, the Museum of Salt and Pepper Shakers but it wasn't open until later and we couldn't stick around. I was super bummed because this place is amazing! Over 20,000 sets arranged by category! I mean, of course I've been before, but it was still disappointing. You can see my previous posts on it here, here, and here.
After we went mini golfing and go karting Travis wanted to visit Smokey Mountain Knifeworks, so he dropped me off here.
I wonder how many of these they sell. Those things that look like rocks? They are huge sharp chunks of glass. So weird.
You could by a bucket of sand and glass shards for 20 bucks. I passed.
I'd been to this antique mall before and remember it being great. It was just ok this time. Here are a few things I saw and loved:
I was tempted by that sweet celluloid dog!
Big pile of Christmas! I bought those little made in japan bears. Too cute to pass up!
And I bought that paint by number. I love the aqua background!
On the way through Knoxville we made a pit stop at Tomato Head for kepner melts and vegan pizza. Yummmm. That sandwich is so good. It has WALNUTS on it. which seems weird, but so delicious.
What a great weekend we had. Now I'm super pumped for our July trip to Asheville! The swimming holes are calling my name!


  1. I don't think I've ever seen two people do more fun things, or go more places than you two do! What fun you must have! Also, apparently I'm the only one who doesn't know what you're talking about when you say Kon Mari. Not a clue. I'll go look now, and I'm sure I'll find out that it's where all the cool kids hang out! :)

    1. haha, look back on my blog for kon mari! it's a big clean out technique! we hit it hard for a few weeks, then lost momentum. i'm hoping ot get back to it soon, it's hard to stay in and sort when the weather is so beautiful!

  2. What a great vacation so jealous

  3. so fun! I have not ever been to gaitlinberg...which is so blasphemous considering I am a native Tennessean. I swear one day I will go.

    1. i almost can't believe htat. what are you waiting for? it is tacky and you will love it!


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