Saturday, February 11, 2012

Collection 9: Squirrels

This is another collection that came about by accident. What is it about woodland creatures? Why are they so prevalent in vintage? Not that I'm complaining. I love squirrels. I used to wish that squirrels lived in my yard when I was a kid. Now some do, and I love it! 
This little weather prophet squirrel looks vintage, but I bought it in a gift shop in Cave City, Kentucky on our anniversary trip two years ago. I have a hunch that this gift shop is selling stuff that it has had for the last 40 years. Or I like to imagine there are still companies out there making things out of walnuts and pipe cleaners. 
These little squirrel salt and pepper shakers are missing the tree they should hang on, but they are still so sweet! I couldn't resist them when I saw them at the flea market. The lady who sold them to me said she was hoping someone would think they were as sweet as she did.
This plastic squirrel and pinecone set are from Santa's Land in Cherokee, North Carolina. Another example of a gift shop full of stuff they have had hanging around for year. I love that. 
Another salt and pepper set.
Bank with a furry tail!
Silly squirrel purse. I used to keep my camera in it when I wasn't using it.
I love this style of squirrel. Only two of these are vintage for sure, but that doesn't really matter to me.
This is my favorite wall squirrel. He was marked as a chipmunk at an antique store.

Last but not least, a sweet tiny squirrel pin with sparkly jewel eyes! Perfection.


  1. I love them! My favourites are the little salt and pepper shakers. I'm quite a fan of Pandas, and i recently got a panda salt and pepper set and i am hooked on themmmm!

    1. cute! i love pandas too. I should do a panda collection post. haha.

  2. They have those wall squirrels at Hobby Lobby and I was planning on covering my fence in them :)

    I have two families on squirrels in my yard, one dude is really brave and will eat peanuts out of your hand

    1. oh man, looks like i need to plan a trip to hobby lobby!!
      they had some cement ones just like them at this place in cave city and i'm really regretting not getting one for my yard!

    2. uhhh also i must address the awesomeness of a squirrel eating out of your hand!!!!!!!

  3. Ahhh love vintage squirrel stuff! I have the squirrels on the tree shakers. I will post them sometime for you :)

  4. I completely agree with the squirrel thing, maybe I need to collect some. I take pictures of them often enough (posted photos on my blog of two within the last six months!). What a great collection of creatures you have.

    1. i don't know what it is about them! i can't resist anything with a squirrel on it.

  5. I actually shrieked out loud in my house when I saw that you were doing a squirrel post. I am freakin' NUTS over squirrels. No pun intended. You've got a most excellent collection there! I love that weather predictor one. We're totally going to see that nut crafts come back. Did you know that there is a National Squirrel Appreciation Day? It was January 21st.

    1. I didn't know! I must celebrate next year. i really want to go up to bowling green for their white squirrel festival.
      i really want to find a vintage taxidermy squirrel but i can't decide if it would make me feel guilty every time i saw it. i have tried to by the squirrel in the front of the rare bird antique mall more than once!

  6. These squirrels are soooo adorable! My mommy used to collet donkeys and horses.. but she is always looking at cute squirrels.
    What a cool collection!

  7. Cute, cute, cute collection. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Oh my goodness, I just LOVE your squirrel collection!! I especially like the little salt and pepper sets; they are so adorable.

  9. Oh, gosh! They are so cute! I love the tiny little animals that we always see. I have a few, but I would love to have a collection like yours. Those little squirrels are just too precious! My daughter would love them too. :)

  10. so many. so cute. when i was little, i got bit a squirrel i used to feed nuts to in the backyard. i had to get rabies shots! ugh. i steer clear of these lil' buggers now.


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