Sunday, August 19, 2012

My teeth

A few of you made comments about the teeth sitting on my kitchen window sill (which I kind of can't believe because they are barely in the picture!) so I thought I would show you what they are! I used to be in a craft club with some friends and those were one of the things I made for craft shows:
This was back in 2009. I was terrible at craft shows, and sold almost nothing. But I did sell some of these teeth. The ones in my kitchen are the leftovers. I love them! I made Santa teeth for the annual ornament exchange that year too. 

If you want to read some posts about our craft show experiences here and here. AND if you think teeth are cure, you should read My Milk Toof!  She doesn't post often, but when she does it is AMAZING!


  1. haha. so cute. i've never done a craft show. i would probably hate it.

    1. it especially sucks if you sign up for the wrong kind. we were definitely in the wrong crowd. haha!

  2. hey when you post a picture, I see everything in the picture! craft shows are hard from what i've heard. You gotta find something to make that no one else is making but that everyone will want.
    Okay, so i'm pretty inspired by them and when I'm inspired I make things...and i've had this lump of clay sitting around forever... totally gonna make some. Maybe not this week but soon! Hope thats okay. I'll link to you when/if I get it done. :D

  3. Aha awww these guys are great. makes me want to take better care of my real ones! you could do a great shoot of some scared looking ones next to a cupcake x

  4. I love those teeth! How did they not sell?! I also liked your back-post on those craft shows...I've always wondered what working one of those would be like. Maybe I'll get up the gumption someday.

  5. I've always loved cartoon-y teeth (everyone thinks I'm weird for it), so to me these are so cute!

  6. Your crafts are awesome. I want to buy one of the teeth to put in my bathroom :)

  7. Haha those teeth are goofy and fun :)



  8. That's a nice set of chompers you have there. The mustached teeth are especially cute!

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  9. they were crappy craft shows, REMEMBER? No one sold anything because there were no customers! you should really try again. at NOT that kind of craft show! would you want to do black raven with us??? they arent having any more til the fall but it'd be fun and its CHEAP.


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