Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hen and Chick Success!

In the more than 13 years I've kept a blog it has never been as neglected as this space lately! I think it is a combo of my new job (which has made me so happy!) and summer starting and me spending lots of time swimming and hanging out with friends. My reader has over 500 unread blog posts in it! I'm home alone this weekend, for maybe the first time EVER so I'm spending the night catching up on all your blogs and watching every drag queen movie that I own (which is a LOT). 
 In other news, I bought some succulents at the  World's Longest Yard Sale last summer. I bought a couple tiny bunches of of hen and chicks and planted them in this great turtle planter that I from Travis' Grandma Betty. She was wearing boots but Travis broke two when he was weed eating. Oh well, it is still cute.
 I have been keeping this planter outside my back door and making myself ignore them. It worked! They have multiplied so much and were taking over Miss. Turtle! Since I took these pictures, that little sprout got really tall and tiny pink flowers bloomed! How cool! (I'm sure you can tell I'm really a plant noob, everything is just so exciting to me!)
I picked up this great planter from the Apron Strings Vintage booth (every time I go to that antique mall I pick up something from her booth. She has an AMAZING stirrup wester lamp right now that I am trying to resist). I got the sweet little deer from another booth at that mall. I love how it looks with the succulents in it. I've been trying to get some plain but pretty vintage things, since EVERYTHING I have seems to have a face, or animals on it. I tried to keep this guy on the kitchen tables, but the cats started digging in it. It has now moved to the windowsill.
 I'll leave you with this picture of Phyllis being the world's grumpiest sun bather. That is probably her favorite spot in the house! Can you see the turtle right outside the door?


  1. So glad you like our new job! Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Those planters are so cute! And I love that I didn't realize the SCALE of the first one until I saw it in the grumpy-lounging-Phyllis picture. That is even cooler based on its sheer size! Good for you for being a successful succulent plant caretaker, I need your victory to goad me into trying again (my living room cactus bit the dust, and the house has been in deep [lazy] mourning ever since).

    1. i have learned that it all depends of me leaving them alone completely. every other plant i've ever had, i've over nurtured!

  3. Love how that planter turned out--the deer is totally cute. And thank you very much for the shout-out, I really appreciate it! I have been a lazy blogger this summer, too. I just have too much going on with my house renovation, new job and with the kids.

  4. Good for you! Sounds like it has been a great summer so far. Being happy with your job makes all the difference.
    Glad your hen and chick did so well. I would think they would thrive in your humidity. The only plants my cat leaves alone are cactus, and he gets gutsy with those sometimes.

    1. i'm glad something can thrive in this humidity! i'm already OVER this summer heat!

  5. So cute. Gad you're liking your new job! I always find blogging slows down a bit in the summer time because of all the fun stuff I wanna do... plus everyone else is out doing fun stuff too.

  6. i know what you mean about being a plant noob! for someone like me, growing plants is a big deal when my personal norm is to accidentally thirst them all to death!

  7. You beat me. I've only seen the movie TWO times in the theater. Hooray for obsession! Also, your nails are super cute. Plus, I also love planters with faces. Have you seen these?

    Oh, and I know that skull! Kirk is a wizard of creepy beauty.

  8. I also thought that planter was way smaller before I saw the puppy picture! Good job - I kill every plant ever.


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