Our house was built in 1939 and the same family owned it pretty much since it was built. They didn't do many updates, which is fine with me of course! When we first moved in we put in central heat and air, and added some cabinets to the kitchen and painted every room. You can see a few posts about our house when we first move in
here and
here. I really wish I had documented more how it looked before! Can you believe that? Or at least saved the pictures from the reality listing! I really love our house though. We have a lot of plans for it, but kind of lost steam after doing a lot at first.
We are going to tackle a bathroom remodel shortly, and sadly it isn't just because we want to. There is a window in our shower (which I love!) and we took the curtain off that the previous owners had over it so we could enjoy the natural light. We didn't think about how the window is wooden and water could seep into it. So water has gotten back to the old plaster walls behind the tile and the tile almost falling in. Sooooo we are looking at a complete redo of the walls and a vinyl window to prevent any more damage. Such a bummer. Here are the few pictures I could find of the bathroom. The top on is the most recent.
I love all the light that the window lets in.
We have to tear the cabinet out because there is tile behind it. I'm hoping to at least save the hard ware and reattach it. We are going to a salvage yard tomorrow to look for bathroom cabinets, or we'll get a custom one that matches. It is hard to tell in these photos but the bathroom counter is a gold flecked thing of beauty and when I asked about keeping it, the contractor said it is pretty much the lowest grade thing you can build with now, and if we are going to get things redone, why not get them done in a way that will last a long time. And Travis agrees so I guess it will be going away. Wah. I kind of want to keep the medicine cabinet too. Modern ones just don't have the same look. I'll make sure to get pictures of everything before it gets ripped out.
Of course my dream would be a pink bathroom! I even have a pink toilet in the bathroom that was picked up for free from a craigslist ad that
Eartha Kitsch brought to my attention. But a truly vintage renovation can get very expensive very quickly and we need to do this sooner rather than later. So I've been looking for inspiration online so I can have a 1940's look, but not spend a fortune. Here are a few pictures I've found.
Lauren over at Apron Strings Vintage posted this picture of a house they looked at during their house hunt and it is really inspiring me! We are doing tile to the ceiling and I like the black stripe around the middle to break up the white. I also really like this tile floor and I hadn't thought of doing a tile counter top until I saw this one. My contractor really likes this idea, and says that tile holds up really well on the counter top.
Here is a modern remodel that has a few things I like. The black tile in the middle of the wall again. And the window in the shower. I don't like pedestal sinks though. I need storage!
I love the floor is this photo. And that rug! OH my gosh, anyone want to buy me a REALLY nice present? That rug is on etsy right now. The whole bathroom is great. I would kill for a green tub!
I found this blue bathroom along with a really great post from some people who did a 1940's style remodel just last year. Again, the tile countertop. And that same great floor pattern.
So we'll see how it goes. We already have some estimates and now we are looking at tile and sinks and looking for a vintage cabinet. I have a vintage light fixture I want to see if I can get rewired. There is a vintage light in the bathroom already but it isn't the best bathroom light. I wish this was something we could do ourselves because even not making it my dream pink bathroom it is going to be a hefty chunk of change. But I think we need a professional to tear out the walls. I really hope we can keep the vintage look. I know that isn't what is popular now, and not what most contractors are used to doing, but the guy I think we're going to go with is into doing it, and came with great recommendations.
Do you have any remodel tips? We're going to have to move out and board the cats while it gets done so lets hope it moves fast!