If you go in and straight back you end up in this cage thing surrounding by amazing stuff. And I guess none of it is for sale? Because you don't see any prices, and you couldn't get to that stuff if you wanted. So weird. I'm really interested in that chalk clown n the book case....
Another weird thing about this place is nothing is priced with actual numbers. You get this little scrap of paper when you walk in and use it to decode the prices. We've talked about it a LOT and can't figure out what it is all about. Travis asked the guy at the desk once and he said it helps with his inventory system. What?
So, for instance, those penguin salt and pepper shakers are 15 dollars to start, then the D3 after means you take three dollars off.
Sweet little dolls.
There are three stories and a warehouse and you won't believe the stuff you'll come across. From fancy bedroom suites to a little pile of coffins.
These fun house mirrors are so cool! I love this long leg look.

I'll take that lamp. And that mountain goat with the neat painted background!
If I hadn't just bought a long photo like this, I would have been seriously tempted. It is an office picnic from 1954 and I love the variety of people in it! From elderly ladies in sensible outfits to young girls in bathing suits. I'm actually feeling a little remorse about leaving it behind. I'm sure it will still be there next time.
Out in the warehouse there are even more piles. And the same mint green dentist chair we saw the first time. But the carnival ticket booth was gone.
This is a lamp/radio set made from Popsicle sticks by someone in prison! It has been in the same spot for a few years. I really love it, but I would hate to dust it!
There is a yard outside too. The basement was closed this time. That place is CREEPY! It is really damp and dark and you feel like a ghost is going to tap you on the shoulder any minute.
Definitely worth a stop if you're in the area.
That giant clown head... I need it!