If you get to know me at all, you will notice that I'm a very nostalgic person. I hate it when special things that belonged to people that I don't even know get thrown away! So I find myself holding on to lots of things that I don't really need, or care about all that much. I have been toting around a BIG box of notes and cards from house to house for years! So I made myself sit down the other day and go through every single one, and only keep the really special stuff, like letters from my great grandmother or funny notes from my dad ("fwesh fwuit in fwidge" might be my favorite). I had pretty much every note that had ever been given to me. I've been out of high school almost ten years, and I found myself not even knowing who half of the people were!

Apparently I helped Tiffany in math, but I can't remember anything about her. Why do I hold on to this stuff? All these notes passed in class were pretty good for a laugh. There were so many weird inside jokes, and so much stupid. drama. Oh high school.
Embarrassing confession time. I was REALLY into the Backstreet Boys in middle school. As in, my friends and I wrote letters to each other as if we were married to our favorite. So I was Mrs. Littrell. Haha. I actually still have my HUGE box of Backstreet Boys stuff because I haven't been able to throw it all away. At the end of this letter, my friend wanted me to tell Brian hi, from Nick. Because she was Mrs. Carter of course. (Nick Carter shops in the store I work at sometimes and it is always pretty thrilling, though I try to pretend it isn't. Haha!)

Here is a picture of me celebrating my favorite Backstreet Boy's birthday when I was 13! See my awesome shirt? The cake was blue because that was his favorite color. And I think we had his favorite drink (ginger ale)and favorite food (mac and cheese). I've always been really cool.

I loved all the intricate folds we did on notes. I kept a lot of the notes from my currant best friend, because they were hilarious, but I'm really proud to say I threw the rest away. And I only kept birthday cards and things with good notes in them. Just enough to fill a tiny vintage suitcase.
Phyllis and Priscilla kept me company of course. Look at all the pigmentation on her little eyeball!