While we were in Asheville I realized we were only about an hour and a half away from Dollywood.We've been talking about going there together for years so we couldn't pass up the chance. Going through my photos I realized I pretty much only have pictures of us all posing silly around Dollywood. I was cracking up going through these, so I hope you enjoy. If you want to see more photos of things around Dollywood you can check out
our visit from May here.
We rode the train this time. They talk a lot about what to do if a cinder from the coal engine gets in your eye. It kind of freaks you out!
Someone left this Captain America dog just sitting here. Of course we had to take photos pretending we won it.
Crystal and Marc tried one of the giant pieces of pizza from the lumberjack restaurant. They said it was better as a photo prop than a meal. Ah well, I guess that is just what you get with theme park food.
Travis and I snuck in food again since they have almost no vegan options (the website lists apple sauce and salad with no dressing). But of course I couldn't resist some fries. Enjoy this gorgeous photo of me:

Crystal and Marc love big roller coasters like Travis. I rode most of them, but sat out a few. I was prepared and brought a book this time.
Frozen lemonades are a must on a hot day.

These boxes are stacked up in the window of the magic shop. Aren't they cute?
This random coffin is probably my favorite photo op in the park.
The shooting gallery is SO CREEPY!
Marc, Travis and I rode the swings. I hadn't ridden a ride like this in years and I loved it!
I probably couldn't have ridden it twice in a row. As I've gotten older I've gotten more susceptible to motion sickness. Such a bummer.
We might have gotten a stern talking to over the loud speaker because our posing got too enthusiastic. Sorry Dolly!
The deer is my favorite!
Lots of giant plush prizes being given out that day.
This little girl was LOVING her giant blow up alien. She was standing here making it wave to everyone that walked past. Fun!
It was a very fun day.
It ended, as usual, the the Pigeon Forge Mellow Mushroom. Yum.