2008 was a very good year for me.

We started the year with a party at Travis' apartment. We played Apples to Apples for I think the first time and chugged sparkling pear juice. We visited Crystal & Marc's house and went to trivia every week. Travis got the first of his Harry Potter tattoos, the Deathly Hallows on his chest. We had a karaoke birthday party for Thomas's birthday and I worked tons of hours at the craft store.

In February Travis helped me write a speech about stencils and he made me a Flight of the Conchords one. I went to the DISH student design conference and Dana's bowling birthday party. I bought Travis' ring and had it engraved "IOU One Galaxy." We saw Brett in
Cinderella and saw Regina Spektor at the Ryman Auditorium. We got first place in trivia and gawked at the model of the new development that Whole Foods is moving to in 2010.

In march I went bridesmaid dress shopping and helped Jennifer find a dress for 3 dollars. I met my aunt's new baby dachshunds and started my internship at American Songwriter Magazine. I went to Dragon Park on my lunch breaks to bask in the sun and take pictures of myself. We played Catchphrase a LOT! I took Travis to a tattoo and horror convention for his birthday and he got a Gryffindor crest. We went to the zoo and a looriket pooped on my arm. We went to see the features and the horrorpops.

In april we spent a lot of time outside. We found some cute railroad tracks at pinkerton park and we went to Cheekwood Botanical Gardens for my 23rd birthday. I spent tons of time chained to my computer finishing my senior project. I put up the show and got lots of compliments. My cousin threw me a bridal shower and I finished all the wedding plans. We spent a day putting up drywall and the Crystal/Marc house and shot some hoops at the school down the street.

May was pretty much the biggest month of my life so far. I graduated from college with a BFA in Graphic Design, with minors in Multimedia Design and Women's Studies. We took a trip to Center Hill Lake and attempted to swim in the cold water with dana. Dana and Crystal threw me a super sweet Unicorn themed bachelorette party.

Then on the 24th I got married to my first love. It turned out a lot different than I expected but I had a great time on the day. We had our best friends all around us and almost everyone we invited showed up to wish us well.

We went to New York City for our honeymoon and had the best vacation ever. We ate a ton of pizza and saw a lot of sites. We went to the Central Park zoo and paddled around in a row boat. We shopped and shopped and attended a taping of the Colbert Report. It was pretty much perfect.

When we got back I moved into Travis' tiny apartment. It was fun. We went to the movies in the park a few times, the best one was dirty dancing. I starting baking with my amazing new Martha Stewart cook book and we went to the park whenever we could. We also discovered a drive in near our house and went whenever we could. Two movies for 5 dollars! And cheap snacks like tater wedges covered in nacho cheese! yum!

In July we went to the second annual Dana Independence Day party. We all dressed up and saw fireworks and ate good food. Not only that, but we also saw the kittens Dana's mother had taken in. We ended up with my very first kitten, little Murray Hewitt. Many hours were lost while i adored his tiny little face and paws. We discovered how fun it was to run through the sprinklers at the Parthenon on the nights when the temperatures climbed to 90 degrees. I learned to frolf (badyly) and rode bikes with Marissa, who had just moved back to tennessee. I also discovered Burgess falls and took groups of friends three times in two weeks, until the rain stopped at the river dried up.

In August we went to two weddings, one a HUGE event that was pretty much a dream. We danced under a big pink tent and ate fancy food and toasted the bride and groom with champagne. It was amazing. At the other I danced the night away with good friends and ate from a mashed potato bar, which was pretty much a dream come true. We also started a craft club that was fun for the few months it lasted. Now we're all to busy for the weekly meetings. I went to two state fairs and the bicentennial mall and petted many camels. We went on a little five day friend vacation to a family cabin in Hohenwald,Tn. It was incredibly fun with group meals and swimming in a cold spring, and dress up nights. It was the first big friend vacation. And not the last. Near the end of the month I got discouraged in my job search and started working at Whole Foods again. It's not ideal but much better than Joann's.

In september we did our first craft show with our handmade tent. I went to a huge pillow fight and played fetch with a really cute pit bull. We had a few girls only date outings and went to the loveless cafe for biscuits and bluegrass. We looked at a cute old house that turned out to be toooo crappy to rent and went to the first pumpkin patch of the season at the end of the month where i fed some cute tiny goats.

October was full of the usual pumpkins and costumes, thought not as much as last year. I never went through with my unicorn costume, I just recycled the zombie makeup from 2007. We met David Sedaris and he signed my book "To my adopted friend." The features released a super new cd and marissa and I went on a little road trip to Atlanta for Ikea and Weezer! The weezer show was the best one yet and cemented their place in my heart forever. Dana and I did the world's longest cornmaze in the dark and Murray got fixed. We did our last craft show of the season at a catholic church and found out about skipwith hall. I early voted at the end of the month and was so excited to vote for our new president. I know he is going to make us proud.

In November we went to a Whole Foods party and drank cidar and chestnuts by the fire. We moved out of our first little apartment and into our new manor from 1818. We gave countless tours and set up this big cold place. Aaron and Valerie came from California for a little visit and we took them to the Opryland Hotel. I gave Travis a haircut that was cute for a bout two days. Thomas came home too from school in Ohio and we ate at Cici's and had a great time.

not much happened at the beginning of the month but we got busy towards the end. I got some freelance work right when they started giving me full time hours at whole foods. We had two parties, a album recording party, and the yule ball, our biggest party ever. I made tons of cookies and we had the first beautiful snow in a few years. I went to Missouri with travis' family and we ate dinner in a big gymnasium. We spent Christmas day with my family and saw marley and me and we both cried and cried! Now we're getting ready for the new year's party!
All I really want in 2009 is a good job and to have as much friend fun as i did this year! I don't know how it could top 2008.
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